Archive for Garden Design

Choosing the Best Evergreens for Your Landscape

In the world of landscaping, evergreens are akin to the steadfast friends who stand by you year-round, irrespective of the season. They provide a constant splash of color when the rest of your garden has succumbed to the winter chill. 

At DK Landscaping, we understand that choosing the right evergreens is crucial to ensuring your garden remains vibrant and dynamic throughout the year. Here’s a comprehensive guide to help you with your evergreen landscaping projects.

Understand Your Landscape’s Needs

Before diving into the plethora of evergreen landscaping options, it’s essential to assess the specific needs of your landscape. Consider the following:

  • Climate Zone: Evergreens vary in their hardiness. Ensure the species you choose can thrive in your area’s climate.
  • Soil Type: The success of an evergreen largely depends on the soil it’s planted in. Know your soil type and choose plants that will flourish in those conditions.
  • Space and Size: Account for the mature size of the evergreen to ensure it fits well in your space without overcrowding.
  • Sunlight: Some evergreens prefer full sun, while others thrive in partial shade. Understand the sunlight patterns in your landscape to make an informed choice.

Types of Evergreens

Evergreens come in various forms – trees, shrubs, and groundcovers. Each brings its unique aesthetic and functional qualities to your landscape.

Evergreen Trees

  • Spruce (Picea spp.): With their classic Christmas tree shape, spruces are a popular choice. They offer dense foliage and can act as excellent windbreaks or privacy screens.
  • Pine (Pinus spp.): Pines are known for their long, slender needles and are often used for their fast growth and stately appearance.
  • Cedar (Cedrus spp.): Cedars are valued for their distinctive, often aromatic wood and rugged, shaggy appearance, adding a rustic charm to the landscape.

Evergreen Shrubs

  • Boxwood (Buxus spp.): Boxwoods are versatile shrubs, perfect for creating hedges or topiaries. They’re known for their dense, bright green foliage and ease of maintenance.
  • Rhododendron (Rhododendron spp.): Besides evergreen foliage, rhododendrons offer spectacular blooms, adding a splash of color to your garden in the spring.
  • Holly (Ilex spp.): With their glossy leaves and bright red berries, hollies are both beautiful and great for attracting wildlife.

Evergreen Groundcovers

  • Juniper (Juniperus spp.): Junipers are low-maintenance groundcovers that provide excellent erosion control on slopes and add texture to the landscape.
  • Creeping Phlox (Phlox subulata): While not evergreen in the traditional sense, creeping phlox offers early spring flowers and retains its needle-like leaves year-round.
  • Pachysandra (Pachysandra terminalis): This groundcover thrives in shaded areas where other plants struggle, providing a lush, green carpet.

DK Landscaping Evergreens in your backyard landscaping large evergreen bushes in a backyard-min

Aesthetic Considerations

Evergreens are not just about green. They come in a spectrum of colors – from the blue-green hues of the blue spruce to the golden tips of the ‘Sunshine’ ligustrum. The texture of the foliage can also vary greatly, from the soft, feathery fronds of a fern pine to the rigid, needle-like leaves of a holly.

When selecting evergreens, consider how their color, texture, and form will complement your existing landscape. Think about how they will look during different seasons and at various times of the day.

Practical Considerations

Beyond aesthetics, evergreens serve practical purposes in a landscape:

  • Privacy: Tall evergreens like arborvitae or clumping bamboo can create a natural privacy screen.
  • Windbreaks: Dense evergreens can protect your home and garden from harsh winds.
  • Sound Barrier: The thick foliage of evergreens can help reduce noise pollution.
  • Wildlife Habitat: Many evergreens provide shelter and food for birds and other wildlife.

Evergreen Maintenance and Care

While evergreens are generally low-maintenance, they do require some care:

  • Watering: Newly planted evergreens need regular watering until they’re established. Even drought-tolerant varieties may need extra water during prolonged dry spells.
  • Pruning: While most evergreens require little pruning, some may benefit from occasional trimming to maintain shape and health.
  • Pest and Disease Management: Be vigilant about pests and diseases. Early detection and treatment can prevent serious damage.

Making the Choice is Ultimately Up to You

When choosing evergreens for your landscape, it’s not just about picking a plant; it’s about creating an ambiance, fulfilling practical needs, and ensuring the overall health and beauty of your garden. At DK Landscaping, we believe that with the right knowledge and a thoughtful approach, you can transform your landscape into a year-round haven of tranquility and beauty.

For More Evergreen Landscaping Ideas, Contact DK Landscaping

Selecting the right evergreens is a nuanced process that involves understanding your landscape’s specific needs, the unique characteristics of different evergreens, and how they fit into the broader aesthetic and practical context of your garden. With careful consideration and a strategic approach, you can ensure that your landscape remains vibrant and dynamic throughout the year, offering a serene and inviting outdoor space that reflects your personal style and meets your practical needs. 

Remember, your landscape is a living, evolving canvas, and the evergreens you choose are the strokes that define its character and beauty across seasons. Contact DK Landscaping now for help with your evergreen landscaping projects!

Tips to Get Gardens Ready for Winter

With the year slowly coming to an end and winter quickly approaching the outdoors can turn into a dull and inhospitable place forcing most people to remain indoors however, for garden and landscape enthusiast alike this time of year is the ideal time to prep gardens, lawns and surrounding landscapes for the upcoming growing season.

Keep Gardens in Shape During Winter


In the fall or just before winter most trees lose their foliage however at this time maintenance practices like pruning or trimming are encouraged during the latter months of the year as during this time of dormancy the majority of hedges, shrubs and trees can be pruned or trimmed without causing damage to the plant or tree.

This practice not only eliminates dead cumbersome branches from trees and plants but it also helps to improve their growth and shape while maintaining the general health of gardens.

As for the multitude of leaves that constantly fall and cover gardens at this time of year making it a practice to regularly clean gardens is extremely important as it allows garden beds and lawns to receive adequate sunlight which helps to promote optimal growth and health.

Another very important factor that gardeners should consider when preparing gardens for winter is the protection of plants from potential damage or destruction. Given the extreme conditions that come along with winter one clever tip that has proven to be an effective approach for protecting gardens during this extreme period is mulching.  

Mainly used to help soil to retain moisture, regulate soil temperature and suppress weed growth mulching is also a great way to shield and protect plants against the hostile conditions of winter. Planting beds should be mulched at a depth of 1.5 – 2 inches to ensure plant roots remain the right temperature as well as to offer the right amount of protection from any potential damage.

Contract a Professional Landscaping Service 

Not everyone may have the equipment to carry out trimming and pruning effectively and as for large, dead, trees and decayed branches hanging around gardens it’s best to contract trained professionals to manage tasks such as these since decayed trees and branches can pose serious threats of injury. Therefore contracting a professional landscaping service to manage tasks that might require equipment and trained personnel is the safest option.

Need Help with Preparing Your Garden for Winter? 

Here at DK Landscaping Inc. we understand how tedious it can be to manage gardens on your own however we like to say that “We like Jungles” and we’d be happy to come in and assist you with all your garden preparations for winter.

We aim to provide the highest quality landscaping and gardening services to all clients. Our services are very affordable and we work with clients to manage any type of surroundings. Give us a call at: 707 217-6508 or visit our website: for more information.


Flood-Resistant Yard Maintenance Tips For the Rainy Season

Mother Nature can be unpredictable. And if you live in Rohnert Park, your home could be part of 4,813 properties with a 26% risk of flooding. Water rushing through your yard, threatening to wash away all your hard work, and turning your lush oasis into a waterlogged nightmare, becomes a significant concern.

While there’s not much you can do to control the weather, there are steps you can take to ensure your yard is as flood-resistant as possible. Here are practical strategies to fortify your yard against floods, protect your precious plants, maintain proper drainage, and prevent erosion to keep your outdoor space looking its best, even when the water starts rising.

Choose Flood-Resistant Plants for Your Yard

Flood-resistant plants possess unique characteristics that allow them to withstand and thrive in waterlogged conditions, ensuring the resilience of your outdoor space during heavy rainfall or flooding events. Here’s how it works:

  • Enhanced drainage: Water-loving grasses like blue grama, willows, cypress, and shrubs like elderberry have well-developed root systems that improve soil structure and drainage. Their extensive root networks act like natural sponges, absorbing excess water and preventing it from pooling on the surface. This reduces water accumulating in your yard, eliminating the potential for flooding.
  • Erosion control: Heavy rainfall erodes soil, washing it away, which causes damage to your yard and nearby areas. Plants with deep and fibrous root systems help anchor the soil, preventing erosion while maintaining the integrity of your landscape.
  • Water filtration and nutrient retention: Flood-resistant plant root systems act as natural filters, removing pollutants and sediment before the water reaches groundwater sources or nearby water bodies. These plants also absorb excess nutrients, like nitrogen and phosphorus, commonly found in stormwater runoff, effectively preventing water pollution.

When picking vegetation for your yard, opt for species native to Califonia, like buffalo grass. They have evolved and adapted to thrive in the local climate, soil conditions, and rainfall patterns, making them inherently more resilient to natural disasters.

Incorporating native flood-resistant plants further aligns your yard with the surrounding ecosystem, promoting biodiversity. Take advantage of online tools to help you find the most appropriate native species for your specific region in California.

Better Your Drainage System

A qualified yard maintenance rohnert park landscaper can help you improve how water moves and drains within your yard, effectively mitigating the risk of flooding and minimizing potential damage. Landscaping strategies to improve yard drainage include:

  • Grading and contouring: Proper grading and contouring direct water towards suitable drainage outlets, such as swales or storm drains. The land should slope away from the center of the yard, guiding water to flow away from vulnerable areas. A skilled landscaper will evaluate the topography, re-level any spots where water pools, and make adjustments to ensure optimal drainage paths.
  • Install French drains or catch basins: French drains and catch basins are effective drainage solutions that divert excess water from your yard. French drains consist of perforated pipes covered by gravel, facilitating water absorption. Catch basins, on the other hand, are underground structures that collect surface water and direct it to a suitable outlet. A professional can strategically install these drainage features in areas prone to flooding, preventing water from accumulating and causing damage.
  • Gutter and downspout maintenance: Properly functioning gutters and downspouts are vital for effective drainage. A landscaper inspects and cleans your gutters regularly, freeing them from debris that causes blockages. Consider installing downspout extensions to direct water into proper drainage channels, preventing water from running into the yard.
  • Rain gardens and bioswales: Rain gardens and bioswales are innovative landscaping techniques that improve drainage while enhancing your yard’s aesthetics. Rain gardens are shallow depressions filled with water-tolerant plants that can absorb and filter water. Bioswales are channels designed to collect and divert water, allowing it to infiltrate the ground gradually. Both features contribute to efficient water management, reducing the risk of flooding.
  • Permeable paving: Replace impermeable surfaces, such as concrete or asphalt, with permeable alternatives like gravel, permeable pavers, or porous asphalt. These materials allow water to infiltrate the ground instead of pooling on the surface. Permeable paving also aids in drainage but also helps recharge groundwater resources.
  • Add rain barrels: During heavy rains, the barrels capture and store stormwater that would otherwise flow into your yard, contributing to localized flooding. These innovative solutions save water, reduce water bills, promote sustainable gardening, and benefit soil and plant health.

Apply Hardwood Mulch

When applied as a protective layer on the soil surface, hardwood mulch acts as a barrier, preventing rainwater from directly impacting the soil and grass. Instead, water penetrates the soil gradually, promoting better infiltration and reducing runoff.

By improving soil structure, hardwood mulch helps create a more porous and well-drained soil, increasing the yard’s capacity to absorb and retain water during heavy rains. Hardwood mulch is preferred as it lasts longer and resists floating away better than lighter mulches.

Find a Qualified Yard Maintenance Rohnert Park Landscaper

From selecting water-loving plants to improving drainage systems, taking proactive measures is key to creating a flood-resistant yard. To guarantee the best results, seek the assistance of a qualified, credible, and licensed landscaping company. Take action today and partner with professionals to transform your yard into a beautiful, resilient haven that stands strong against the forces of nature.

Get the Best Bushes for Your Low-maintenance Garden

If you’re a busy homeowner, chances are you don’t want to add gardening chores to your overflowing plate. But you can turn your yard into a beautiful landscape bursting with color and life. 

Proper planning allows you to create a stunning low-maintenance garden with colorful and evergreen bushes. These are hardy, slow-growing shrubs that require minimum pruning, saving you the hassle of frequent pruning.  

Dig in and learn more about the best shrubs for your low-maintenance garden.

How to Choose the Best Shrubs for Your Home

The key to creating a low-maintenance garden is filling it with shrubbery that never grows out of control or requires constant pruning. It allows for a rewarding gardening experience that doesn’t saddle you with recurring chores. 

1. Sunlight

The amount of direct sunlight your yard receives affects the growth vigor.  Ideally, plants require at least six hours of direct sunlight to thrive. However, you can still create a lush and colorful yard with beautiful blooms and fabulous foliage if your yard receives 3 to 6 hours of direct sunlight. Insufficient sunlight can lead to stunted growth and weak stems and give your bushes a drab appearance. 

Observe your yard on a sunny day and note the light and shade pattern. Creating a detailed light map paints an accurate picture of how much light your yard receives to help you create the perfect garden. 

2. Rooting System 

Root size is a priority consideration if your garden is near your house. Shrubs with extensive roots can damage your home’s foundation, sidewalk, driveway, or septic system, saddling you with expensive repairs. Shallow roots shrubs such as hydrangea, forsythia, camellia, rhododendron, plantain lilies, and boxwoods are ideal for such gardens. 

3. Sunlight Preferences 

It may come as a surprise, but shrubs have varying sunlight requirements. Some shrubs thrive in full sun, while others prefer partial or deep shades. Understanding sunlight preferences is crucial to planning your landscape. You can match them with the ideal location to ensure growth and survival and create a blooming garden.  

4. Size 

Paying attention to the height and spread of your preferred shrubbery helps eliminates landscaping problems. Shrubs fall into three broad categories—small, medium, and large.

  • Small shrubs are under 3 feet tall with a spread of 1 to 4 feet. 
  • Medium shrubs are under 6 feet tall and spread 3 to 6 feet.
  • Large shrubs grow up to 20 feet tall with a spread of 6 to 15 feet.

The Best Low Maintenance Bushes for Your Yard

These shrubs will help you create a beautiful, low-effort garden without saddling you with routine gardening chores. 

Dwarf Alberta Spruce

Dwarf Alberta Spruce is a compact, evergreen shrub with a distinct pyramidal shape. The leaves are bright, green aromatic needles and are densely packed, giving the dwarf tree a tight, fuzzy look. Dwarf Albert spruce rarely grows above 13 feet and has an astonishingly slow growth rate. It only grows 2 to 4 inches yearly, so it rarely requires pruning and will probably never outgrow its designated space. It thrives in well-drained acidic soils and direct sunlight.

Knock Out Rose 

Knock Out Rose is a hard flowering shrub renowned for its beautiful continuous blooms during the growing season. It showcases vibrant flowers in red, pink, and yellow colors. Despite belonging to the rose family, Knock Out Rose is notoriously easy to grow. It’s resistant to pests and diseases and self-cleans—sheds its spent flowers without requiring deadheading. It can grow up to 7 feet tall, thrives in well-drained soils, and requires at least six hours of sunlight daily.

Blue Star Juniper

Blue Star Juniper is a compact slow-growing evergreen shrub with dense, silver-blue foliage. Mature shrubbery is about 3 feet tall with a spread of about 3 feet. They feature awl-shaped needle-like leaves arranged in clusters on tiny stems resembling stars. The unique shape of these slow-growing shrubs adds beauty and appeal to any landscape. Blue Star Juniper is exceptionally hardy, requires little maintenance, and thrives in various soil conditions.


Boxwoods are hardy, evergreen shrubs renowned for their dense foliage, compact growth habit, and landscaping versatility. The growth height depends on the specific variety and pruning style but typically ranges from 1 to 15 feet. Dwarf cultivars tend to stay compact, growing to a maximum height of about 2 feet. Boxwood bushes are slow growing, usually about 12 inches a year, and have spread ranges from 1 to 10 feet. They produce tiny white blooms in spring, thrive in well-drained soils, and grow best in partial or full sun.


Rhododendrons are a diverse group of shrubs renowned for their showy, colorful flowers. Their growth height depends on the variety and cultivar. Compact and dwarf cultivars are 1 to 3 feet tall, while large rhododendrons are usually 6 to 15 feet tall. Compact shrubs may have a spread of 2 to 4 feet, while large ones can have a spread of 6 to 10 feet. Rhododendrons thrive in coarse, acidic soils and require partial sun exposure.

Create a Thriving Low Maintenance Garden

Shrubs are ideal an ideal choice if looking to create a beautiful, low-maintenance garden. Carefully choosing the shrub varieties can help pepper your landscape with a mix of evergreen and flowering shrubs. Working with an expert service can help you make the best choices and transform your drab yard into a beautiful paradise teeming with life.

Get the best low-maintenance bushes for your garden. Contact us today!

From Fire Pits to Outdoor Lounges: Backyard Ideas for Every Style

Backyards are often overlooked when looking to create a comfortable and inviting home. With the right design and planning, you can make this outdoor space a beautiful extension of your living area. Sprucing your backyard creates the perfect space for relaxing or entertaining and can improve your health and wellbeing. Whether you have a tiny patio or a sprawling lawn, there are plenty of backyard ideas to transform your space into a true oasis.

Outdoor Dining Area

An outdoor dining area can help you appreciate the Mediterranean climate in Sonoma County. You can enjoy the warm, sunny weather while sharing a hearty meal outdoors with friends and family.

A careful choice of dining table and chairs allow you to create a functional and inviting outdoor dining area. Teak or metal are ideal choices because they can easily withstand the elements. Incorporating outdoor pillows and cushions adds a splash of color and comfort to the space.

An umbrella or a pergola provides shade and protection from the sun to let you spend more time outdoors during the warmer months. They also add an element of design to the space, giving it a visually interesting and intentional feel.

If the space allows, you can add some greenery and natural beauty to the outdoor dining area by surrounding it with beautiful plants. Succulents, lavender, or rosemary make a great choice. These plants add visual interest, enhance the ambiance, and provide pleasant aromas.

Immersive Garden

Immersive gardens are great backyard ideas that improve curb appeal and uplift your quality of life. These are specially designed gardens that provide a fully immersive and sensory experience.

Immersive gardens go beyond the visual appeal to engage all your five senses, creating a truly unique experience. 

Immersive gardens comprise plants, flowers, trees, and other elements carefully chosen for their sensory properties. For instance, jasmine, lavender, or roses stimulate the sense of smell. Ornamental grasses or lamb ears are incorporated for their unique textures.

The sound of running water in water features such as waterfalls, fountains, or ponds adds tranquility. Colorful plants create a visually stimulating environment, while edible herbs and plants engage the sense of taste.

Fire Pit

A fire pit is an excellent choice if you wish to use your outdoor space throughout the year. Installing a fire pit creates a warm, cozy, and inviting atmosphere to gather with family and friends. Since fire pits come in various shapes, sizes, and designs, you must pick one that fits your budget and available space.

Ideally, a fire pit should be placed on a level surface and at least 10 feet away from any structure or combustible materials such as trees or bushes. You can make fire pits from concrete blocks, bricks, or stone. Using a layer of fireproof mortar between the blocks helps increase a fire pit’s lifespan.

Adding a grate lets you whip up a feast over your fire pit and enjoy delicious flame-grilled meals with friends and loved ones.

Outdoor Lounge

An outdoor lounge is a perfect place to relax and unwind after a long day at the office. A cozy outdoor lounge provides the perfect backdrop to enjoy Sonoma County’s beautiful sunsets.

Pick a design that suits your personal style, available space, and intended use. Popular outdoor lounge designs include minimalist, rustic, bohemian, coastal, and Mediterranean.

Be sure to create a comfortable seating area by furnishing the space with outdoor sofas, chairs, and coffee tables. Use outdoor pillows and blankets to add colors and texture and give your outdoor lounge a comfy, inviting look.

A careful choice of plants and trees can add greenery to your outdoor lounge while providing shade and privacy. Rhododendrons, boxwood, holly, and camellia are popular shade garden choices and can provide year-round privacy.

Play Area

A play area is an excellent addition to any backyard for a family with young children. It provides a safe and fun space that encourages your kids to embrace outdoor play, which can drive creativity and improve physical health.

Naturally, the age group of the children is a primary consideration when creating a play area. Your options range from swing sets with multiple swings, slides, and climbing walls to sandboxes and outdoor toys such as trampolines, playhouses, and water tables. Sports equipment such as soccer nets and small basketball hoops are ideal for older kids.

A dedicated outdoor play area is crucial for healthy child development. It promotes imagination and creativity by allowing children to play pretend games by creating imaginary worlds. Games that involve climbing, swinging, running, and jumping enhance motor skills and help children improve balance, agility, and coordination.

Bring Your Backyard Ideas to Life

Thoughtful landscape design can help you transform your backyard ideas into a truly inspiring space that entices you and your loved ones to spend time outdoors. Working with a skilled landscaping service like DK Landscaping gets the job done quickly, professionally, and within your budget.

Our skilled experts can help you make the right choice from the get-go when you need a stunning yet low-maintenance backyard. From landscaping design to installation and maintenance, we can help bring your ideas to life and turn your backyard into a marvelous yet functional work of art. Talk to our landscaping experts today!

The Principles of Xeriscaping on Your Property

Living in a hot and dry area or one that does not have much rainfall does not mean that you cannot have the exceptional landscapes typical in places with a lot of rain. Furthermore, you need not waste the average 90 gallons of water watering the plants for a thriving lawn or landscape. There is one option for having a flourishing lawn in an eco-friendly manner, even in dry regions. The solution lies in xeriscaping.

Xeriscaping denotes a landscaping design method based on water conservation. Though often meant for property owners in semi-arid and arid places, the design can also be used in areas with a lot of rain to conserve water. The concept in xeriscaping is conserving water through the correct landscaping principles.

Below are the guiding principles of xeriscaping.

xeriscape garden

Limited Turf Area and Use a Suitable Grass Variety

Grass is beneficial in landscaping because it controls erosion and water infiltration into the soil. However, a large turf section is one of the biggest causes of wasted water for landscaping. You should try to have grass only in the sections where kids and pets will need it or, in commercial spaces, only in regions that can accommodate many people.

It is best to limit the grass in your landscape to the flat and shaded areas of your property. This minimizes the risk of runoff and evaporation. You should also pick the grass varieties that have deeper roots, since they retain moisture better than those with shallow roots. Some of the best varieties for xeriscaping include Blue Grama, California Oatgrass, Blue Fescue, Bermuda, Buffalo, and St. Augustine.

Improved Soils

Consider using organic soil enhancements like manure, wood chips, peat moss, or grass clippings to improve your landscaping soil. These will support the growth of plants with broad root systems, allow natural aeration, and increase the soil’s water retention capacity. 

There are also commercial inorganic soil amendments, but these are more expensive than their organic counterparts. However, they will still benefit your lawn if you, for whichever reason, cannot get organic enhancements. Before any soil improvements, the soil is tested to know its elements that need increasing and the best options for it.

Addition of a Water-retaining Mulch

Mulch will form a protective layer between the air and your plants’ roots, thus encouraging water retention. The best options for this are pine needles and shredded hardwood. Water retention not only improves plant health but will also minimize the evaporation rate and thus reduce the frequency of watering plants. In hot, dry climatic regions, steer clear of rocks and mulch types that radiate or retain heat. These only burn your plants.

Inclusion of a Rain Garden in Runoff Sections

Rain gardens are ideal options for cleaning and capturing groundwater in the low-lying sections of your property. Though dry in most instances, they will hold a generous amount of water after it rains. You can include perennials, flowers, and native shrubs around the rain garden to create a beautiful landscape bed. You can also settle for cisterns, porous paving, and rain barrels to capture runoff that can be recycled to water your landscape.

The Use of Drought-resistant and Native Plants

Drought-resistant and native plant species will often consume less water than exotic species. You can find a broad range of drought-resistant landscaping plants at your local nursery to match your envisioned design. To ensure you get the suitable plant varieties, research the distribution and amount of rainfall in your area beforehand.

Pick plants based on their expected sizes when mature rather than the size in which you buy them. Moreover, pick a few trees to maximize the shade in your landscape for the plants. This shade reduces evaporation, and the trees will act as windbreakers that protect your fragile plants.

An Effective Irrigation Method

Soaker hoses or drip irrigation is the ideal irrigation option in xeriscaping. This comprises a network of pipes with tiny holes that deliver water to the plants’ roots to minimize evaporation and water wastage. Overhead irrigation or using a watering cane leads to less water delivered to your plant roots and wastes a lot of water.

Furthermore, consider watering your plants in the morning because the water will evaporate slowly in cool conditions at this time. Watering plants in the morning also allows them to dry as the day progresses. This reduces the risk of your plants contracting fungal diseases that usually affect humid or constantly wet plants.

If you want to start conserving water in your landscaping design, do not assume that this is as easy as sticking to the xeriscaping principles above. There are different elements like making the right choice of mulch in relation to your soil, climate, and plants. To save time and guarantee the best results, hire skilled landscapers from DKlandscaping to handle your xeriscaping.

A Closer Look at Irrigation Systems – Part 2

Today irrigation systems vary, where some techniques used can be simple and some a bit more complicated, however the big question is which one will be best for your garden? To properly answer that question it would be best to take a look at the different types of irrigation systems, how they work and the benefits each offer.

Irrigation Types and Benefits


Irrigation Systems

Surface irrigation is one of the oldest and most common methods of irrigation used. Dating back as far as far as the Egyptian and Mesopotamian civilizations this method uses the force of gravity to distribute water into the soil.

Later referred to as flood irrigation, simply because it allows water to flow and pool into an area, this is not as efficient as other irrigation methods because overwatering can occur, however it has still been successfully used throughout the centuries to produce healthy crops and lush, beautiful gardens.

Let’s Observe The Benefits You Can Get With Surface Irrigation

  • Surface irrigation systems cover a large area of land in a faster time than that of other irrigation systems.
  • It requires less manual labor.
  • Irrigation systems are not negatively impacted by winds or sediments.

Depending on the type of gardening you do, you can determine if this type of irrigation system is more effective for you, however if you live in an area where water regulations are strict you may want to utilize a more conservative irrigation method.


Similar to that of the low-drip method, sub-surface irrigation works by distributing water through tubes and emitters. As you can probably guess by the name of this system, the tubes that distribute water throughout this system are located below the surface of the soil.

Brought about in the 60’s as a way to deal with water scarce landscapes, this system works best in areas that are hot, arid, or windy to effectively provide plants with the water they need to thrive.

The Benefits Of Sub-Surface Irrigation Include

  • By eliminating surface water sub-surface irrigation prevents water evaporation in hot and arid conditions.
  • Reduces weed growth by depriving weed seeds of water.
  • Because it’s below the ground, it protects the system from damage caused by animals or machinery.

If for some reason you still have a few unanswered questions on what irrigation method would be best for your landscape, then DK Landscaping is here to offer that expert advise you need.

Just a call or click away we can come in to evaluate your property and help you to decide on, and install an irrigation system that is not only efficient but effective enough to maintain the integrity of your landscape.

Contact us today at (707) 280-3632 to book an appointment or you can visit our website for more information.


3 Simple Flower Bed Ideas to Reduce Maintenance Costs

Adding a flower bed to your front or back yard is a smart and quick way to add color and liven things up. However, flower beds require a lot of maintenance and upkeep after the garden is installed. Here are a few tips to add some personality to your lawn and reduce the maintenance costs.

  1. Design the Perfect Shape for your Flower Bed
Flower Bed

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Once you’ve decided on where to plant your new flower bed, the next step is to figure out what shape you’d like to have. There are tons of forms you can choose from. However, a bed with sharp angles can be challenging to cut and maintain because it’ll be hard to cut with a lawnmower. Granted, you can tackle those angles with a weed whacker, but that will be additional work on your end. Avoid extra work by designing and constructing flower bed ideas that have gradual and smooth curves.

  1. Install Weed Prevention Measures

The most common weed prevention method is landscape fabric. The fabric restricts weeds from growing through. However, weed roots can grow down through the material if the weed seeds germinate above the landscape fabric layer. Adding an extra layer of mulch will provide a strong defense against weeds and keep your flower beds healthy. A practical flower bed idea is laying down the fabric before planting and making X pattern slits where you want to plant your flowers. This simple method will keep the weeds at bay. 

  1. Select the Overall Theme

There are two types of flower bed ideas, namely:

Formal flower beds – Here, the flowers are usually limited to a few different types. These beds typically have more geometric shapes and straight lines. They often include shrubs and yews that are planted in straight lines to form a border and create designs. 

Informal flower beds – Here, you’ll find many different sizes, textures, and colors of flowers. These flower beds have some structure to the design, but the lines and borders are not as defined. The plants and flowers are left to grow as they wish with a little pruning here and there to promote new growth and maintain their size. 

Flower beds are mostly used as beautiful masterpieces on the lawns of many homes. However, maintaining a flower bed can be time consuming and exhausting. Contact lawn and bed experts to receive a comprehensive range of lawn care and landscaping needs tailor-made for your flower bed ideas.  

What Homeowners Need to Know About Hardscaping

In every home, the landscape is usually the focal point. A good landscape incorporates both greeneries and elements that add structure and functionality to a home. Gone are days when softscape was the main focus in landscaping. In fact, according to the National Association of Realtors (NAR) report, investing in outdoor hardscape projects adds resale value to a home and fulfills the homeowners.

While a well-finished hardscape sets a home apart, it is a critical landscaping aspect that most homeowners overlook. To most people, hardscape is a luxury item hence the reluctance to commit to it. But a little hardscape can go a long way. As you plan to create the ideal landscape for your home, sufficient knowledge of complex elements can help you utilize your outdoor space effectively while striking a balance between landscape elements. Here is an in-depth look at the hardscape.

landscape design hardscape

What is Hardscape?

Experts in landscape design frequently use the terms hardscape and softscape to distinguish between living and non-living elements of landscaping. Hardscape is any fixed and solid structure in an outdoor space. They include fire pits, fountains, driveways, and more. It can either be a functional or decorative structure in your landscape. Conversely, softscape pertains moveable, green exterior detailing of a home. The landscape is the umbrella term for both hardscape and softscape.

Why Hardscaping Should be Part of your home Landscape Design

Hardscape benefits are almost endless, from increasing curb appeal to adding personality to your outdoor space. Here are some of the benefits you can enjoy from incorporating hardscape into your landscape design plan.

  • Hardscaping allows you to create focal points
  • Low maintenance
  • Water-efficient
  • Increase property value
  • Add dimension
  • Reduce erosion
  • Add privacy

Types of Hardscapes

Landscapers use various products and materials to craft a hardscape design for your outdoor space. Here is an overview.

Fire pits

Nothing brings people together like an outdoor fire pit. This attractive backyard addition can serve as a gathering for evening drinks, barbeque, and late-night s’mores. However, as a homeowner, you should be fully informed about construction requirements and potential hazards before building one.

Stone pathways

When it comes to stone pathways, the possibilities are endless, from large stepping stones to smaller ones, mosaic, and pebbles; it all goes down to what appeals to you. Whether it leads to a destination or is used for aesthetic purposes, a stone pathway can add texture and visual interest to your outdoor exteriors.

Decks and Patios

Building a deck or patio increases a living space functionality and boosts property value. Decks and patios help you make the most of your outdoor space, from hosting family parties to quiet outdoor retreats.

Retaining wall

Retaining walls in landscaping are designed to withstand lateral soil pressure, preventing soil erosion in the area and water run-off. Besides providing functionality, if well integrated with your landscape plan, they can add visual interest and dimension to your home. Furthermore, retaining walls can transform the impracticable sloped area into usable outdoor space.

Gazebos and pergolas

The main difference between a pergola and a gazebo is the function of the roof. Gazebos offer total coverage from the sun, while pergolas provide partial shelter. Getting a gazebo or pergola makes complete sense if you like spending much time outdoors. They are great for offering shade, privacy, a workspace, and even a space to entertain and dine with friends.


Outdoor fountains come in a variety of shapes and sizes. They are also made from a variety of materials. Besides their elegant look, water fountains create a relaxing ambiance while drowning out unpleasant noises. However, due to prolonged exposure to harsh elements such as sun and wind, it is no surprise that they are prone to wear and tear. Therefore, you should always choose suitable materials tough enough to withstand harsh climates. Fiberglass makes an excellent choice.


First impressions matter. A neat driveway with some tasteful plants and functional safety light fixtures paints a picture of a happy and successful homeowner. A good driveway layout plan should consider the surrounding landscape and your home’s architectural design to enhance functionality. Since your driveway is likely to be driven on frequently, its material should be tough enough to withstand the high traffic, oil -spills, and resist tire marks.


 A well-designed hardscape can make your outdoor space more liveable while increasing the functionality of your home. However, hardscaping is an art and is not always easy. To create a beautiful outdoor retreat that will enhance your home, always involve a landscaping expert at DK Landscaping.

While various elements go into the overall feel of your outdoor setting, our experts combine both soft elements and structures to create a perfect outdoor space for you and your loved ones. 

We are a landscape company with unmatched expertise in maintenance, repair, irrigation, and water-saving irrigation designs. Our services are ideal for both residential and commercial properties. We guarantee affordable prices and long-lasting materials. Contact us today to start a conversation about your hardscaping needs.

11 Flower Bed Ideas for a Truly Modern Home

A smattering of flowers and plants can give your outdoor space a springtime feel, especially during warmer summer months. Similarly, the pops of color and texture exhibited by flower beds can easily shake off the winter dullness from your home. This list of 11 flower bed ideas can help you transform your yard into a luxurious nature park. 

Modern home with beautiful lawn and garden

1: Combining Tulips with Perennials and Annuals 

Combining tulips with perennials and annuals creates a harmonious arrangement that comes back each year with little maintenance. Just space out your flowers to ensure that the tulips stand taller than the shorter, low-growing perennials and annuals. Typically, your tulips will return every year when winters are colder. There are multiple color choices to pick from, including white and black tulips. Overall, planting clear, primary tulips creates a festive effect in any mixed flower bed. Some companion options for a full flower bed include Daylily, Catnip, Bells of Ireland, and Salvia.

2: Side Yard Flower Bed for Tiny Spaces

You can leverage your sidewalk by planting pretty bizzy lizzies in a beautiful flower box and around the edge of a foundation bed. To bring out an inviting look, contrast their pink and white blossoms with deep green hosta lilies. Although hosta lilies are commonly planted for their foliage, they also bear tiny white, lavender, or violet flowers.

3: Reconditioned Tree Stump Flower Bed

If you have old tree stumps within your yard, why not use them for a flower bed instead of digging them out? Add a pelargonium in the center and surround it with deep purple bellflowers and gold and orange nasturtium with variegated leaves. Additionally, plant some bellflowers, ornamental grass, and pelargonium around the roots for an excellent balance.

4: Rustic Hollow Log Flower Bed Idea

A hollow log can make a perfect flower bed for your home. Simply shovel in some gardening soil and plant some cheerful flowers such as pink, white, and blue phlox, daffodils, red gerbera, and blue irises. The green sword-shaped leaves of these flowers will contrast with the softness and brightness of your blooms, creating an inviting flower bed.

5: Tile Deck with Built-In Flower Beds

If you plan to add a patio or deck to your home, consider one with built-in planters. You can have inbuilt planters made of tile to match your tile deck or opt for a wooden planter. Built-in flower beds can transform your deck into a delightful living space, especially if you plant eye-catching flowers such as pure white roses contrasted with butter yellow sundrops and purple lavender.

6: Raised Block Flower Bed

You can make a raised bed using pre-cut blocks and pavers to make tending easier, particularly for the elderly. Consider planting ornamental grasses, asters, turf lily, small ornamental trees, and chrysanthemums for added beauty. Besides, you can even add herbs or vegetables to your raised block flower bed.

7: Gravel Yard Flower Bed

Having a bed in a gravel yard allows you to indulge in various heights, textures, and colors provided by agave and aloe plants. You could even add ornamental grasses, rosemary plants, sedges. Consider using colored gravel to separate the flower bed from the yard and mulch to brighten the color of your pants.

8: Flower Bed with Clay Pots

Nothing beats clay pots in terms of convenience in organizing and maintaining flower beds. Arrange multiple clay pots half-buried in a raised bed of gravel and plant beautiful bulbs and party-colored tulips. You could also add plants such as daffodils and onions or garlic.

9: Wheelbarrow Planter Flower Bed

If there is an old wheelbarrow lying around in the yard, you could plant it in the middle of your garden and fill it up with bizzy lizzies. You could also create a background of false sunflowers and add more bizzy lizzies and daylilies in front. 

10: Vintage Suitcase Flower Planter 

You can repurpose an old suitcase to create an exciting flower bed. Simply prop the suitcase on a chair and plant attractive white and purple striped bizzy lizzies, magenta, white asters, or petunias. If you’re worried about filling your old suitcases with dirt, consider planting the flowers in containers first.

11: Antique Bed Frame Flower Bed

Making flower beds out of old furniture is the latest trending flower bed idea. You can have a headboard draped with gold, purple, or white flowers and pillows made of tiny privets. You can then create a mattress with grasses, flax, or violets and crown it up with a footboard made of white-flowered shrubs. 

Wrapping Up

If you’re looking to spice up your garden a little bit, these flower bed ideas could be a great way to do it. However, you need to remember that it takes some effort, time, and money to give your garden an extra splash. But at the end of the day, you’ll have a refreshing space to enjoy nature at its finest. Contact us for more information.