Archive for Bushes

Choosing the Best Evergreens for Your Landscape

In the world of landscaping, evergreens are akin to the steadfast friends who stand by you year-round, irrespective of the season. They provide a constant splash of color when the rest of your garden has succumbed to the winter chill. 

At DK Landscaping, we understand that choosing the right evergreens is crucial to ensuring your garden remains vibrant and dynamic throughout the year. Here’s a comprehensive guide to help you with your evergreen landscaping projects.

Understand Your Landscape’s Needs

Before diving into the plethora of evergreen landscaping options, it’s essential to assess the specific needs of your landscape. Consider the following:

  • Climate Zone: Evergreens vary in their hardiness. Ensure the species you choose can thrive in your area’s climate.
  • Soil Type: The success of an evergreen largely depends on the soil it’s planted in. Know your soil type and choose plants that will flourish in those conditions.
  • Space and Size: Account for the mature size of the evergreen to ensure it fits well in your space without overcrowding.
  • Sunlight: Some evergreens prefer full sun, while others thrive in partial shade. Understand the sunlight patterns in your landscape to make an informed choice.

Types of Evergreens

Evergreens come in various forms – trees, shrubs, and groundcovers. Each brings its unique aesthetic and functional qualities to your landscape.

Evergreen Trees

  • Spruce (Picea spp.): With their classic Christmas tree shape, spruces are a popular choice. They offer dense foliage and can act as excellent windbreaks or privacy screens.
  • Pine (Pinus spp.): Pines are known for their long, slender needles and are often used for their fast growth and stately appearance.
  • Cedar (Cedrus spp.): Cedars are valued for their distinctive, often aromatic wood and rugged, shaggy appearance, adding a rustic charm to the landscape.

Evergreen Shrubs

  • Boxwood (Buxus spp.): Boxwoods are versatile shrubs, perfect for creating hedges or topiaries. They’re known for their dense, bright green foliage and ease of maintenance.
  • Rhododendron (Rhododendron spp.): Besides evergreen foliage, rhododendrons offer spectacular blooms, adding a splash of color to your garden in the spring.
  • Holly (Ilex spp.): With their glossy leaves and bright red berries, hollies are both beautiful and great for attracting wildlife.

Evergreen Groundcovers

  • Juniper (Juniperus spp.): Junipers are low-maintenance groundcovers that provide excellent erosion control on slopes and add texture to the landscape.
  • Creeping Phlox (Phlox subulata): While not evergreen in the traditional sense, creeping phlox offers early spring flowers and retains its needle-like leaves year-round.
  • Pachysandra (Pachysandra terminalis): This groundcover thrives in shaded areas where other plants struggle, providing a lush, green carpet.

DK Landscaping Evergreens in your backyard landscaping large evergreen bushes in a backyard-min

Aesthetic Considerations

Evergreens are not just about green. They come in a spectrum of colors – from the blue-green hues of the blue spruce to the golden tips of the ‘Sunshine’ ligustrum. The texture of the foliage can also vary greatly, from the soft, feathery fronds of a fern pine to the rigid, needle-like leaves of a holly.

When selecting evergreens, consider how their color, texture, and form will complement your existing landscape. Think about how they will look during different seasons and at various times of the day.

Practical Considerations

Beyond aesthetics, evergreens serve practical purposes in a landscape:

  • Privacy: Tall evergreens like arborvitae or clumping bamboo can create a natural privacy screen.
  • Windbreaks: Dense evergreens can protect your home and garden from harsh winds.
  • Sound Barrier: The thick foliage of evergreens can help reduce noise pollution.
  • Wildlife Habitat: Many evergreens provide shelter and food for birds and other wildlife.

Evergreen Maintenance and Care

While evergreens are generally low-maintenance, they do require some care:

  • Watering: Newly planted evergreens need regular watering until they’re established. Even drought-tolerant varieties may need extra water during prolonged dry spells.
  • Pruning: While most evergreens require little pruning, some may benefit from occasional trimming to maintain shape and health.
  • Pest and Disease Management: Be vigilant about pests and diseases. Early detection and treatment can prevent serious damage.

Making the Choice is Ultimately Up to You

When choosing evergreens for your landscape, it’s not just about picking a plant; it’s about creating an ambiance, fulfilling practical needs, and ensuring the overall health and beauty of your garden. At DK Landscaping, we believe that with the right knowledge and a thoughtful approach, you can transform your landscape into a year-round haven of tranquility and beauty.

For More Evergreen Landscaping Ideas, Contact DK Landscaping

Selecting the right evergreens is a nuanced process that involves understanding your landscape’s specific needs, the unique characteristics of different evergreens, and how they fit into the broader aesthetic and practical context of your garden. With careful consideration and a strategic approach, you can ensure that your landscape remains vibrant and dynamic throughout the year, offering a serene and inviting outdoor space that reflects your personal style and meets your practical needs. 

Remember, your landscape is a living, evolving canvas, and the evergreens you choose are the strokes that define its character and beauty across seasons. Contact DK Landscaping now for help with your evergreen landscaping projects!

Get the Best Bushes for Your Low-maintenance Garden

If you’re a busy homeowner, chances are you don’t want to add gardening chores to your overflowing plate. But you can turn your yard into a beautiful landscape bursting with color and life. 

Proper planning allows you to create a stunning low-maintenance garden with colorful and evergreen bushes. These are hardy, slow-growing shrubs that require minimum pruning, saving you the hassle of frequent pruning.  

Dig in and learn more about the best shrubs for your low-maintenance garden.

How to Choose the Best Shrubs for Your Home

The key to creating a low-maintenance garden is filling it with shrubbery that never grows out of control or requires constant pruning. It allows for a rewarding gardening experience that doesn’t saddle you with recurring chores. 

1. Sunlight

The amount of direct sunlight your yard receives affects the growth vigor.  Ideally, plants require at least six hours of direct sunlight to thrive. However, you can still create a lush and colorful yard with beautiful blooms and fabulous foliage if your yard receives 3 to 6 hours of direct sunlight. Insufficient sunlight can lead to stunted growth and weak stems and give your bushes a drab appearance. 

Observe your yard on a sunny day and note the light and shade pattern. Creating a detailed light map paints an accurate picture of how much light your yard receives to help you create the perfect garden. 

2. Rooting System 

Root size is a priority consideration if your garden is near your house. Shrubs with extensive roots can damage your home’s foundation, sidewalk, driveway, or septic system, saddling you with expensive repairs. Shallow roots shrubs such as hydrangea, forsythia, camellia, rhododendron, plantain lilies, and boxwoods are ideal for such gardens. 

3. Sunlight Preferences 

It may come as a surprise, but shrubs have varying sunlight requirements. Some shrubs thrive in full sun, while others prefer partial or deep shades. Understanding sunlight preferences is crucial to planning your landscape. You can match them with the ideal location to ensure growth and survival and create a blooming garden.  

4. Size 

Paying attention to the height and spread of your preferred shrubbery helps eliminates landscaping problems. Shrubs fall into three broad categories—small, medium, and large.

  • Small shrubs are under 3 feet tall with a spread of 1 to 4 feet. 
  • Medium shrubs are under 6 feet tall and spread 3 to 6 feet.
  • Large shrubs grow up to 20 feet tall with a spread of 6 to 15 feet.

The Best Low Maintenance Bushes for Your Yard

These shrubs will help you create a beautiful, low-effort garden without saddling you with routine gardening chores. 

Dwarf Alberta Spruce

Dwarf Alberta Spruce is a compact, evergreen shrub with a distinct pyramidal shape. The leaves are bright, green aromatic needles and are densely packed, giving the dwarf tree a tight, fuzzy look. Dwarf Albert spruce rarely grows above 13 feet and has an astonishingly slow growth rate. It only grows 2 to 4 inches yearly, so it rarely requires pruning and will probably never outgrow its designated space. It thrives in well-drained acidic soils and direct sunlight.

Knock Out Rose 

Knock Out Rose is a hard flowering shrub renowned for its beautiful continuous blooms during the growing season. It showcases vibrant flowers in red, pink, and yellow colors. Despite belonging to the rose family, Knock Out Rose is notoriously easy to grow. It’s resistant to pests and diseases and self-cleans—sheds its spent flowers without requiring deadheading. It can grow up to 7 feet tall, thrives in well-drained soils, and requires at least six hours of sunlight daily.

Blue Star Juniper

Blue Star Juniper is a compact slow-growing evergreen shrub with dense, silver-blue foliage. Mature shrubbery is about 3 feet tall with a spread of about 3 feet. They feature awl-shaped needle-like leaves arranged in clusters on tiny stems resembling stars. The unique shape of these slow-growing shrubs adds beauty and appeal to any landscape. Blue Star Juniper is exceptionally hardy, requires little maintenance, and thrives in various soil conditions.


Boxwoods are hardy, evergreen shrubs renowned for their dense foliage, compact growth habit, and landscaping versatility. The growth height depends on the specific variety and pruning style but typically ranges from 1 to 15 feet. Dwarf cultivars tend to stay compact, growing to a maximum height of about 2 feet. Boxwood bushes are slow growing, usually about 12 inches a year, and have spread ranges from 1 to 10 feet. They produce tiny white blooms in spring, thrive in well-drained soils, and grow best in partial or full sun.


Rhododendrons are a diverse group of shrubs renowned for their showy, colorful flowers. Their growth height depends on the variety and cultivar. Compact and dwarf cultivars are 1 to 3 feet tall, while large rhododendrons are usually 6 to 15 feet tall. Compact shrubs may have a spread of 2 to 4 feet, while large ones can have a spread of 6 to 10 feet. Rhododendrons thrive in coarse, acidic soils and require partial sun exposure.

Create a Thriving Low Maintenance Garden

Shrubs are ideal an ideal choice if looking to create a beautiful, low-maintenance garden. Carefully choosing the shrub varieties can help pepper your landscape with a mix of evergreen and flowering shrubs. Working with an expert service can help you make the best choices and transform your drab yard into a beautiful paradise teeming with life.

Get the best low-maintenance bushes for your garden. Contact us today!