6 Best Yard Maintenance Tips For Santa Rosa Residents
A lush and beautiful yard is a welcome addition to many residential properties. Its popularity among many homeowners stems from the fact that it boosts a home’s aesthetic appeal and provides an inviting first impression. Therefore, your yard needs some proactive “tender loving care” (TLC), which calls for labor input, patience, time, equipment, and accurate information. Although yard maintenance is a demanding and labor-intensive task, it remains non-negotiable.

Tips For Yard Maintenance Santa Rosa
Yard maintenance involves many tasks, especially when you are just getting started, but it is all worth it and gets easier once you are accustomed to it.
- Watering
The first rule of maintaining a yard that’s the envy of your neighbors and passers-by is never to let the ground dry out. Deep and infrequent watering is preferable, especially when done early in the morning, to allow the roots to absorb enough water before it evaporates. A yard requires about one inch of rain or grey water every week. Common ways to water your yard include using sprinklers, watering cans, or a garden hose.
- Mowing
You should only start mowing your new yard after 6-8 weeks of planting it. That’s when the roots are firmly established. However, you should always be careful not to mow too short as it gives room for weeds to grow and stresses the grass. The appropriate mowing length varies between different laws, but 3-inches is a recommendable length for most grass types.
Remember always to mow when the grass is dry and never when it’s wet because that will damage the grass. Also, mow your yard at least once a week during the summer and once every fortnight during spring, autumn, and winter. Do not forget to maintain your mower well and sharpen the blades every so often.
- Feeding Your Yard
Grass, just like any other living organism, must be fed for it to stay healthy and lush. Feeding your yard typically involves applying fertilizers when the rains are forecast or once in fall and another time in spring. During these times, the roots can absorb the nutrients from the fertilizers slowly.
Organic fertilizers are better than their chemical alternatives as they promote longer-term yard health. Do not skip watering your yard after a feed, as this is essential to deliver the fertilizer to the roots and prevent leaf burn. Besides, do not be tempted to over-apply fertilizers to damaged or shaded grass patches as it does more harm than good. You can also leave clippings on your yard to decompose and produce essential nutrients.
- Weed Control
Weed control is an essential bit of Yard Maintenance Santa Rosa. There are many weed species associated with poor yard maintenance practices, like low fertility, overwatering, improper wedding, and compact soil. The most common weeds that compete for nutrients, water, light, and space with your turfgrass include dandelion, clover, crabgrass, and nutsedge. You do not have to eradicate weeds entirely from your garden, but you must identify ways to keep them under control. The first step to manage these weeds should be identifying the type of weeds that have infested your yard. This knowledge will help you make an informed choice on the best weed control technique. Manual removal works for small weeds, while herbicides work when things are out of hand.
- Aerate
Aeration is a simple task that will help you maintain a healthier yard by opening up the ground. It involves poking small holes in the soil to better absorb water, oxygen, and nutrients into the earth and the roots. It also gives the roots some breathing room and encourages deeper root systems. Aeration is highly recommended for water-logged and drought-prone soils. You can get the job done using a garden fork or special aerating tools, such as aerating shoes. You should always aerate your yard when it’s wet, so you can wait a day after it rains or water the yard a day in advance.
- Edge
Yard edging is the crowning touch for a beautiful garden. Edging involves using a long-handled pair of edging shears to chip away untidy edges of your yard, leaving you with beautiful and clearly defined yard borders. For the best results, you should do it soon after mowing your yard.
Why You Should Hire Yard Maintenance Experts in Santa Rosa
If all these maintenance tasks sound too taxing for you, you should leave the job to reliable and trustworthy yard maintenance Santa Rosa professionals. The professional gardeners at DK landscaping adopt superior modern technology and tools to perform all yard maintenance services discussed above. They also specialize in xeriscaping, pruning, pest control, snow removal, leaf removal, and seasonal cleanups.
The best part of working with professionals is getting the job done better and faster than you would and enjoying a consistent yard maintenance schedule. Contact us or visit our website today for more information on how we can help you maintain your beautiful Santa Rosa yard.
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