Posts Tagged Sonoma County

How to Transplant Shrubs in Summer

The best times of year to transplant trees and shrubs are spring and fall; however, certain situations may make it necessary to move your plants outside of those seasons. For example, you may want to take your shrubs with you if you are moving or you may have to move the plant because of the weather.

English garden in summer with furniture

If you find it necessary to move a plant during the warmest part of the year, you will need to take certain steps to ensure its health. Here are some tips on how to move shrubs in the summer without harming them:

  1. Choose the Right Location
    Transplantation represents a dramatic change and a plant will have to adapt to its new environment slowly in order to survive. This means that you will have to keep factors like sunlight, soil drainage and soil pH in mind when choosing a new location.
  2. Dig an Appropriate Hole
    You will need to dig a hole that is approximately twice as large as the shrub’s root system. The additional space allows the roots to grow into the new site comfortably.
  3. Carefully Remove the Shrub
    Work carefully to avoid damaging the root system when uprooting shrubs. You will want to take as much of it as you can. You will also want to move some of the soil from the old location to the new one. You can place larger shrubs on a tarp and drag them to the new location along with some of the soil.
  4. Add Adequate Water to the New Hole
    You will want to wet the hole thoroughly before placing the shrub into it but avoid oversaturating it as this can cause the shrub’s roots to rot.
  5. Place Shrub in the New Hole
    Along with the shrub, place some of the soil from the old location into the hole as well as some potting soil. Pat the soil down around the base to ensure that the shrub stays upright. You can add watering stakes to the ground so that the shrub can water at root level but this is not essential. Be careful to avoid damage to the roots when installing the watering stakes.

The quality of your landscaping plays a major role in your ability to enjoy your yard and in your property value. If you need help with moving shrubs or with any other aspect of landscape maintenance, contact us today. Our experienced landscaping crews know how to move your shrubs and trees quickly and without damaging them.

Xeriscape California Plant List

California boasts a rich variety of flowers, trees, and flora ~ a somewhat surprising fact considering the prevalence of arid landscapes and drought. Home and business owners who want an eco-friendly, economic landscaping solution would be wise to utilize xeriscape, a form of landscaping that combines drought-resistant plants, efficient irrigation, and thoughtful garden design to create beautiful outdoor spaces. To get started, check out this list of plants that will make a wonderful addition to your xeriscaping.

Luxury House


Aloes are a variety of succulents that do well in dry environments. One common variety is Aloe Vera, also known as burn plant due to its ability to soothe sunburn. Aloe Vera can grow up to 3 feet in height and produces lovely yellow flowers. Although commonly grown as houseplants, Aloes can also thrive in xeriscape environments due to their preference for bright light and dry, well-draining soil.


This xeriscape-friendly plant is known for its use in making tequila! There are many different varieties, but all have a main taproot that discourages transplanting after they have been installed. A loose, well-draining soil is a must and plants prefer to dry out completely between watering. Agave tends to bloom once, then die, but often produces pups, or baby plants, that can replace the original.

Mexican Sage

A member of the Salvia family, Mexican Sage is a perennial that produces gorgeous purple or white flowers that can make it a stunning xeriscape addition. Moisture requirements are somewhat higher than for previously mentioned succulent varieties, so it may not be ideal for very arid locations. However, it is drought tolerant and often attracts pollinators like butterflies and hummingbirds.


Verbena comes in many varieties, including lemon, rose, and purpletop, just to name a few. Lemon verbena smells fantastic and can be used to make herbal tea. They can be grown as annuals or perennials and are resistant to heat and drought. Depending on the variety you choose, they can get quite tall and bushy, often producing beautiful, brightly colored flowers.


Most honeysuckle vine varieties smell fantastic, attract pollinators, produce beautiful flowers, and come back year-after-year. Being heat and drought resistant and fairly low maintenance makes them a wonderful addition to xeriscape areas. Full to partial sun and a well-draining soil are preferable. A fence, trellis, or other support system helps them grow to their full potential.

Sedge Grass

Sedges are a large family of grasses that work well in place of more high maintenance turf grass. They tend to be adaptable and often require little water. California meadow sedge is native to the Pacific coast area and tolerates heat, drought, and even foot traffic. It can be used as part of an eye-catching xeriscape focal point or used to replace a more traditional lawn. Since it requires very little mowing and no fertilizers or other chemicals, sedge grass is a great, no-fuss addition to any landscape.

Hollyleaf Cherry

The hollyleaf cherry tree is a shrub native to the California coast that produces lush, evergreen leaves, cream colored flowers, and edible fruit. The fruit is not very fleshy though, so it probably won’t become your favorite snack, but birds and other wildlife may appreciate it. Hollyleaf cherry is very tolerant of drought, thrives in full to partial sun, and prefers well-draining soil.
Xeriscape landscaping techniques are sure to become more popular as awareness grows about the need to conserve water and choose drought resistant plants. DK Landscaping strives to create beautiful landscapes that function well in the natural environment, so call us or contact us via email today to get started on a xeriscape project for your home or business.

Use a Weed Eater and Get Rid of Pesky Shrubbery

If your property is saddled with unsightly shrubs that just keep getting in the way of the rest of your landscaping or even your walkways, the solution is our weed eater service. Shrubbery has a tendency to overgrow in every which way, causing all sorts of havoc. This is a common problem that can be cleared up by our weed maintenance team.

Bushes fence leaves green White plaster walls


Do Yourself a Favor and Ally With the Weed Control Experts

Unruly shrubbery has the potential to ruin an otherwise beautiful yard. The weed control aficionados here at DK Landscaping know all the nuances about weed control products and weed control strategies. We will prevent wayward shrubs and weeds from overflowing onto surrounding components of your landscape. If you have any questions as to what the best way is to manage those pesky shrubs, do not hesitate to reach out to our experts. We know the ins and outs of weed control products as well as weed eating machines. Allying with our team has the potential to save you plenty of time, money and heartache.

Don’t Torture Yourself Attempting to Manage Shrubs by Hand

DK Landscaping has all the equipment that is necessary to get rid of those unruly shrubs once and for all. Too many homeowners make the mistake of trying to manage shrubs and weeds by hand. This is a waste of time and effort. You can trust our team to use our state of the art weed eaters to put an end to your shrub problem. It is a quite an easy solution compared to attempting to find a product that will keep those shrubs under control or using your hands to remedy the issue.

Our Weed Eater Equipment

DK Landscaping refuses to use anything but the highest quality metal blade edgers to trim shrubs and other aspects of customer lawns. This style of cut allows for superior precision and control to generate the cleanest possible cut. It is a stark contrast from our competitors who use string edgers that create wavy edges and ugly wide gaps. Such wavy edges and gaps look terrible and allow for conditions in which weeds and shrubs grow in all directions. You can rely on our shrubbery and weed experts to use our weed eaters with great care. Our team is well aware of the fact that these powerful machines move at speeds topping 4,000 revolutions per minute.

Shrub Beds are Quite Sensitive

There is absolutely no point in attempting a do it yourself (DIY) style shrub maintenance job in which you pluck shrubs/weeds out of the ground. Hand weeding actually leaves the roots intact so those annoying weeds and shrubs will keep on growing right back. Furthermore, using a low quality weed fabric will allow weeds to break through. Even attempting a DIY mulch job has the potential to exacerbate your shrub and weed problem. If you do not select the proper type of mulch, it will affect the soil’s warmth and consequently impact the growth rate of your shrubs.

DK Landscaping is Here to Help

You are not alone in your battle with these disorderly shrubs. When you ally with DK Landscaping to eliminate those pesky shrubs, you will no longer feel disappointed and annoyed when you look at your property’s landscaping. Our weed eaters will get right down to the core of the problem so you don’t have to invest one more second in shrub management. Reach out to DK Landscaping today to schedule a consultation and/or an appointment. We’ll discuss our services in-depth with you and provide a quote. Contact us today by dialing 707-280-3632.

Inexpensive & Easy Backyard Ideas

Spring is just around the corner, and what better time than now to give your backyard a makeover? Whether you have a cozy yard or a sprawling retreat, there are a host of inexpensive and easy backyard ideas you can try that will enhance your lawn, garden and outdoor living areas.

Easy Backyard Ideas

  • Create a living fence by decorating a wall with an espaliered tree. You don’t have to be a master gardener to do it, and it gives your yard a high-end look without the high-end expense. Espaliered trees are a great way to make a small yard look like it’s filled with greenery.
  • Here’s one of the best money-saving backyard ideas. For an inexpensive way to add hardscaping – walkways, edging and retaining walls – ask your landscaping company if they have stone leftovers. Stacked together, the different shapes, sizes and colors make a beautiful elevated garden section that looks incredibly natural. Use low-growing groundcovers and other perennials to present a gorgeous burst of color.
  • Sometimes, the simpler the better backyard ideas win the day. Create low-cost nooks by rearranging garden furniture in separate areas of the yard; perhaps one area for eating and another for relaxing. The idea is to create conversation zones where family and guests can gather to catch up and enjoy themselves. No need to buy new furniture – but coordinated pillows and chair pads are great for giving each area its own distinct look.


  • One of the easiest backyard ideas for adding color is by using containers that are filled with annuals. Annuals are less expensive than perennials and shrubs but really pack a punch when arranged in containers. For a calm, retreat-like feel, use vessels of one color, though the shapes and sizes can differ.
  • If you’re in need of a new piece of furniture, but it’s just not in the budget this year, try this fun DIY seating area constructed from low-cost concrete blocks that are fitted with wood beams and then a foam cushion. True sophistication for little money!
  • Outdoor lights are one of everyone’s favorite backyard ideas. They’re fun, they say celebration and their sparkle adds a warm glow to backyard gatherings. Use different color string lights or LED cords to wrap a tree or line a pathway. You can even run a set down the length of the table for a lovely light to dine by.
  • If you want to cut back on how much water-hungry lawn you have, check out interesting, less-expensive paving materials such as crushed rock and gravel. They’re perfect for placing underfoot at outdoor seating and dining areas. If you’re in love with the look of traditional, larger pavers, use fewer of them interspersed in your grass in order to cut down on your total outlay.
  • Many hardscape elements, such as trellises, can be found at flea markets or garage sales. You may even have enough scrap materials around the house to construct one. Who doesn’t have a bunch of old frames packed in boxes just waiting to be used “one day?” Take some inspiration from this beautiful piece and put those frames to good use. If you love the rustic look, there’s no need to varnish or paint them. Trellis are one of the best backyard ideas for adding height and defining backyard traffic flow.

There’s always a way to get the beautiful backyard you’ve always wanted without having to break the bank. These fun and beautiful backyard ideas are the perfect way to get started!

What is Drip Irrigation and Its Advantages?

What is Drip Irrigation and Its Advantages? DK Landscaping Santa Rosa CAYou may have heard the phrase “drip irrigation” thrown around and not been able to make heads or tails out of it. Fortunately, drip irrigation isn’t that complicated a concept to really understand.

What is Drip Irrigation? 

Irrigation is simply the process of artificially applying water to land or soil in order to stimulate growth. Farmers and property owners around the country rely on irrigation to create fuller crops or more appealing lawns.

Drip irrigation, also referred to as trickle irrigation, is a method of irrigation that’s extremely environmentally friendly. This is because drip irrigation applies water directly to the plant’s roots, root zone or the soil itself.

The fact that drip irrigation sends water directly to the surface that needs it most with a plastic device known as an emitter is especially relevant today. Parts of California, Texas and the Southwestern United States are experiencing their worst droughts in years, so a more intelligent irrigation system is a must.

Drip irrigation actually uses tubes and hoses to efficiently send water to a plastic emitter, which in turn sends water directly onto the plant’s roots or soil’s surface. This whole process saves a ton of water and fertilizing material.

More Advantages of Drip Irrigation 

Even for farmers or property owners who like using fertilizer, drip irrigation allows you to retain nutrients while using less fertilizer – all the while achieving even better results!

Drip irrigation also allows you to keep the moisture level constant between the root zone and field capacity. And just to clarify, the term “field capacity” is simply the amount of moisture in the soil after the excess water has drained away.

Here’s some more good news for anyone who wants to try out drip irrigation – drip irrigation ensures less soil erosion and fewer weeds grow on your property. For farmers, this is a huge boon and directly increases their crop yield and profits. For regular property owners, this leaves your lawn looking crisp, green and lush.

For those concerned about rising energy prices, you’re bound to like drip irrigation as well. The process of drip irrigation is extremely water efficient and operates under less pressurization than most other types of pressurized irrigation, which translates to money saved on utility bills.

Because of drip irrigation’s higher efficiency, you’re also talking about smaller labor costs compared to other forms of irrigation.

Control in Your Hands 

Due to the fact that controllable amounts of water make their way to the soil’s surface or the roots of plants, drip irrigation puts far more control into your hands.

You can regulate the amount of water that gets sent to each individual plant or section of your property by regulating the water pressure going to each output nozzle.

Drip irrigation is saving you water all the while as well since drip irrigation is estimated to use less than half the water of conventional sprinkler systems. So, you’re using less water and experiencing less nutrient runoff and soil erosion: This is definitely a recipe for long-term success.

Drip irrigation can even be set to a timer so that you can fully automate the watering process or cut it on/off at your discretion throughout the day. A drip irrigation system is highly adaptable and can be changed literally overnight to better suit the changes taking place on your property.

You can find out more about drip irrigation or set up an appointment by getting in touch with a Xeriscape lawn care professional today.

5 Steps to Choose the Best Landscape Maintenance Services

5 Steps to Choose the Best Landscape Maintenance Services DK Landscaping Santa Rosa CAIf you are looking for the best landscape maintenance service, finding it will take more effort than merely looking in the phone book. The unique nuances and needs of your property, as well as the niche of each company will go a long way in determining which landscape maintenance provider to choose.

Don’t Get Hooked by a Landscape Maintenance Low Price

Some landscape maintenance services will submit a very low bid in an effort to win your job. However, these bids are often accompanied by low quality project results. Look for bid contractors who will use high quality materials and safe equipment at all times. The quality of the landscape maintenance service provider’s craftsmanship is always worth the higher cost.

Check Track Records

Do not hesitate to contact the prior customers, reviews and references of various maintenance services. Each should be willing to provide you with a reference list who can testify to the quality of the work. Try to find a customer who had a job performed within the past year at an equal or a greater value than your current job. This way, you will be able to make an informed comparison when deciding on which landscape maintenance service is the best for your property.

The Type of Landscape Maintenance Work

Each landscaping company has a specialty area. Some are good at any number of projects. The key is to find the one that has a history of installing or maintaining the area of your yard that needs attention. Communicate exactly the type of work that you want done and your budget limitations. This will help you narrow your search to find candidates who can handle the specific challenges involved in your nuanced yard. Keep in mind that some landscapers offer maintenance services only, so vet each company thoroughly before progressing to more detailed matters.


Make sure that each landscape maintenance service is properly insured so that you are not liable for accidents that occur on your property. Ask for valid proof of the insurance before work commences. Find out the professional affiliations that the companies belong to as well. If they are active in professional associations, they are more likely to stay abreast of industry trends. Then, find out of they are licensed. Those that are certified by the state will provide proper employee training and will be held to the highest legal standards.

Build a Criteria List

Contact each potential landscape maintenance service and ask them a series of questions. You can mark off whether each meets your specific criteria. The one with the lowest bids and the most check marks will be awarded the project. Your checklist should contain key requirements like a company that is properly certified, licensed and insured. Get a written contract that accounts for a project price, material list and quality guarantees before work starts. Also, be sure to ask each candidate’s references whether the companies were able to complete the projects within the originally estimated timeline. Once you have gathered all of the pertinent information, you can make an informed decision about which landscaping company to choose.

Landscape Service Niches

Each landscape maintenance service company tends to do at least one thing very well. Some do it so well that they develop a niche in the field. If you are looking for a company that handles yard maintenance, repair, irrigation and water saving landscapes, give us a call today.

Picking the Best Landscape Maintenance Services

Picking the Best Landscape Maintenance Services DK Landscaping Santa Rosa CALandscape maintenance goes well beyond regular lawn care in ways that might surprise you. For starters, if you’ve ever wondered why local parks and upscale homes look so great year round, the reason is probably regular landscaping.

From pruning and lawn care to a reliable irrigation schedule and weed-reduction services, a landscape maintenance company remains an affordable way to turn heads and quickly increase your home’s curb appeal.

Myriad Benefits of Landscape Maintenance 

Contracting out your landscape maintenance services, for instance, can increase your home’s resale value by over ten percent virtually overnight. A landscape maintenance company can also assist property managers lease space and offer a more professional face to the public.

A landscape maintenance company can work to expand on what’s already great about your home’s lawn and garden as well. Services like lawn edging, mulching and irrigation significantly enhance your home’s curb appeal and can give you more reasons to take daily pride in your home.

Pruning your home’s bushes and snipping overhanging branches are additional ways that a landscape maintenance company gives value back to homeowners. In short, a landscape maintenance company that can help you get your lawn, garden and walkway in shape is a win-win for you and your neighbors.

Unique Services Available to Homeowners 

If you’re somewhat fuzzy on the nuts and bolts of irrigation, mulching and the right watering schedule for your home’s soil and climate, then you’re just like millions of homeowners from around the country.

A landscape maintenance company, fortunately, has decades of experience testing for proper pH levels, installing and/or maintaining sprinkler systems, and removing weeds or unsightly overgrowth from your yard.

If a landscape maintenance company determines, for example, that your pH levels are out of whack, then a lime treatment can be used to get your lawn back on its feet.

This is all a huge boon for homeowners looking for a little extra time on the weekends as well as property managers who want to spend less time worrying and more time leasing space.

Interestingly, some studies even show that properly placed trees and plants can lower your HVAC costs by as much as one-fifth. This might seem shocking until you consider the heat gain during the hottest months – or the heating costs squandered to poor ventilation – due to a lack of shade around your home or commercial property.

From relatively simple jobs like mowing and mulching to larger projects like aeration and irrigation, a full-service landscape maintenance company is truly a one-stop-shop for all of your home’s landscaping needs.

Hiring a Landscape Maintenance Company 

Although you can probably find dozens of companies with mowers and leaf blowers in your area willing to provide simple services, a landscape maintenance company can provide more sophisticated services (e.g., irrigation) that bring experience and professional know-how to bear.

Many states even require that landscape maintenance companies have licenses before offering their services to the public. This coupled with the fact that a full-service landscape maintenance company can help with pest and weed control, sprinkler systems and pH detection makes this an easy call.

To reiterate, a landscape maintenance company can help homeowners and property managers in crucial ways – improving curb appeal, enhancing your home’s energy efficiency, and eliminating pests and weeds.

If you’ve always wanted a lusher lawn, contact the professionals at Xeriscape today for more information about a host of maintenance, repair and irrigation services.

Go Native, Save Water: Xeriscape Gardening

Go Native, Save Water: Xeriscape Gardening DK Landscaping Santa Rosa CAThe information age has brought with it a flood a varying techniques in the fields of landscaping, gardening and ecological design. In keeping with the sustainable nature of the best of them, xeriscape gardening is defined by its optimal use of a minimal amount of water. This approach to gardening has been developed in the arid regions in the world, chiefly in the American mid-west, as a natural response to the climate. Xeriscape is most effective when the need for supplemental irrigation is eliminated and the design of the garden promotes symbiotic relationships that provide benefits. Environmental conservancy is xeriscape gardening’s top priority, but aesthetic design has received as much consideration. At its best, xeriscape becomes a melding of both utility and beauty.

The Principles of Xeriscape

As conceived by Denver Water, xeriscape gardening’s most revered proponent, these seven guiding principles provide the foundation for all considerations within the field. Each principle holds an entire discipline within itself, which means that there is always more to learn and improve upon in this field.

  • Planning and Design are the cornerstones of effective gardening, which requires careful attention to your specific environment.
  • Soil Management is about knowing what nutrients your selected plants need and what nutrients are available in the soil. Composting is a great way to reinvigorate malnourished soil.
  • Plant Selection is an integral part of xeriscape gardening. Thousands of species exist in arid conditions, each with benefits and beauty to offer.
  • Turf Minimalism is crucial because the water needs of most grass lawns makes them impractical for dry climates.
  • Diligent Irrigation may be the reason you’re interested in xeriscape gardening to begin with. Water is an invaluable resource and appropriate use of it is essential to environmental conservancy.
  • Mulch can be composed of several materials such as leaves, wood chips, pine needles and bark. It is spread over the surface of the soil to help with water retention, fertility, prevention of erosion, and reduction of weed growth.
  • Maintenance in the form of weed pulling, mulching, and general upkeep should be combined with constant observation to check if your garden layout is working to its full potential.

The Benefits of Xeriscape

  • Reduced Water Consumption is both the key aspect of xeriscape gardening and a great benefit of it. It means using less water and making better use of it. Not only will this save you money, but you will be helping your community and environment as well. Re-appropriating rainwater can help you prevent evaporation and runoff, and your garden’s layout can be optimized for better use of it.
  • Less Maintenance is required from a xeriscape garden. Much less fertilizer is used, which helps urban runoff pollution, lawn mowing becomes nigh unnecessary, and simple irrigation systems can handle all of your watering needs.
  • Pest Control is an added benefit of a really well thought out garden layout. Certain xeriscape friendly plants ward off insects, while prickly cacti do the same for intrusive mammals. Plant selection also enables you to create a sanctuary for desirable birds and insects.
  • Property Values Rise when you drought-proof the terrain around your home. Likewise, the design opportunities available to xeriscape can make for some exquisite gardens.

There are an abundance of tips and tricks available for do-it-yourself xeriscape gardening, but expert consideration reaps the true benefits of the art form. Xeriscape specialists develop an uncanny ability to read an environment and discern its possibilities. With a little help, and dedication to the sustainability principles of xeriscape you could be looking at a lower water and power bill, a productive and efficient garden, and a beautiful area in which to relax.

Sprinkler System Design That Saves You Money

Sprinkler System Design That Saves You Money DK Landscaping Santa Rosa CAWhen it comes to keeping your landscaping looking lush and healthy, your sprinkler system design could make all the difference. If your plants are getting too much water you may encounter problems such as mold, rotting, and even yellowing of your plants. Likewise, if your plants are not getting enough water, they can quickly turn yellow and brown, dying back and leaving you with large dead patches in your garden.

Sprinkler system design needs to meet all of your plants different water needs. This can be tricky, especially if you have different types of annuals, perennials, shrubs, and trees, grouped together throughout your garden. A small shrub may need water once a week, whilst the small annual flowers you have growing around the shrub may need to be watered daily, finding that balance can be hard.

Why Hire a Gardener or Landscape Team for Your Sprinkler System Design

There are many complexities when it comes to the best sprinkler system design for your garden, hiring an experienced gardener will ensure that your garden is having its exact watering needs met. Here are some of the things a good gardener will look for when it comes to sprinkler systems.

  • When it comes to sprinklers there are many different types, choosing the right sprinkler head can make sure that your garden is getting the right amount of water, protecting your plants from too much or too little water. An experienced gardener or landscape expert will know which sprinkler head to use, in which areas of your garden.
  • Water pressure needs to be considered when it comes to a sprinkler system, your water pressure should be evaluated and upgrades to the system should be made to account for either a lack of pressure, or too much pressure.
  • Pipes will need to be placed throughout your lawn and garden. By having a professional design the pipe layout and lay the pipes, you can be sure that your current garden and lawn will be protected. You will also have peace of mind knowing that your systems pipe design will help you reduce your water usage, whilst providing your garden with the water it needs.
  • When it comes to your sprinkler system design the placement of each sprinkler head is important. As previously mentioned there will be areas in your garden that need less water, while other plants or areas may need a lot of water on a daily basis. By accounting for run off, sprinkler direction, and which plants need more or less watering, an experienced gardener can place your sprinkler heads in the right position to benefit all plants in your garden.
  • If you would like your sprinkler system design to be as low maintenance as possible, you may want a system that is automated. Hiring a gardener to design, install, and set up your system will make sure that your sprinkler system is running at a time that gives your garden the best chance of soaking up the water. This will make sure that you are not losing valuable water to the heat of the day, or causing disease to spread through your garden.

Contact Us Today for Your Sprinkler System Design

If you have been considering sprinkler system design for your home or business, contact our landscape maintenance company today. Our team of garden and landscape experts can help you get the best sprinkler system design, keeping your garden and landscape healthy no matter the season.

Front Yard Flower Bed Ideas – DK Landscaping

Front Yard Flower Bed Ideas - DK Landscaping Santa RosaWant to make your home look calm, inviting, and happy? Add flower beds to your property for constant color. Use the beds to delineate property or break up bland expanses of lawn grass and dirt. Finding flower bed ideas is simple, but you should be sure of what you need and why. There are so many possible flower bed ideas that you can get easily bogged down in details if you start to look for designs without taking issues like drought and level of care into consideration. Pinpoint non-negotiable issues like those first to make designing your front yard a lot more efficient.

Drought-Proof Flower Bed Ideas

Drought is probably going to be one of your main considerations when looking at flower bed ideas. Many areas of the country are experiencing water shortages, and anything you plant has to be able to deal with a lack of abundant water. That doesn’t mean you have to plant cacti — just look for cultivars of flowers that have been bred to be less water-needy. Native flowers are always a wonderful choice in this case as they are already somewhat adapted to their region’s fluctuating water supplies. Plant breeders have been working on drought- and disease-resistant cultivars of all sorts of plants for years, and it’s become easier to find these in garden centers and from landscaping companies when looking at flower bed ideas.

Easy Care Flower Bed Ideas

Ease of care is another big consideration for flower bed ideas. Even if you have a landscaping company taking care of most of your garden, you’ll still have to do some minor care yourself. If you don’t feel up to that, you’ll want flower varieties that can handle benign neglect. Again, native flowers tend to be a little better for this, though there are easy-care species from all over the country if you’d like more variety for your flower bed ideas.

Location Ideas For Your Flower Bed

Now take a look at location to further refine your flower bed ideas. Flower beds that will be near the street need to be able to handle road salt spray, for example, if your area tends to have occasional snowfall in spring or fall. That’s not so much of a problem with annuals, as you’d be removing them anyway, but if can be for perennial or biennial flowers.

Flower bed ideas for spaces near fences can have species of varying heights, so those plants nearer the fence should be taller. The shorter flowers near the edge of the bed may need to be shade-tolerant if the bed is positioned where the fence or taller plants might block a lot of the sunlight.

Reduce Insects

Flowers planted next to the house need to be pest-resistant if possible. While it is impossible to guarantee that a flower will never attract a bug, if you have flowers that tend to attract pests, those pests could get into your house. Ask your garden center or landscaping company to show you flowers that have a reputation for repelling insects, too, such as marigolds, petunias, and nasturtiums. As you come up with ideas for other areas of your yard, you can work a few of these plants in so that you can reduce the number of pests you have to deal with overall. Start talking to landscape design companies about flower bed ideas and species that fit what you need for your yard’s environment, and you’ll have a beautiful yard in no time.