The Flare of Fall
Fall is officially here. For some, it means crisp clean air that gives us a break from the summer heat. For others, the first thing that comes to mind is bare trees and dull and colorless landscape. DK Landscaping shows you that fall doesn’t need to mark the end of beautiful landscaping and that it’s actually the optimal time to highlight colors in your landscape.
If you’re looking to put a little spice in your fall, consider these trees and shrubs (as well as the one’s pictured):
SUGAR MAPLE TREES: A great, extra-reliable tree that makes an impressive statement in fall. Sugar maple are known for their distinctive flower and bark characteristics and offers gorgeous red, burnt-orange, or yellow end-of-the-season leaves.
SOURWOOD TREES: Has summer blooms that look like lily-of-the-valley flowers. The drooping panicles hang on the tree until it turns color in late autumn, giving the effect of white flowers set against brilliant red foliage.
MUMS: Gives your garden a splash of cheerful color well into the cooler months at a time when the rest of your flowers are winding down.

This beautifully tiered branching gives a layered look with reddish/purplish leaves
Finally, there are a number of accessories, centered around the season that can further enhance your fall look without the long term commitment. Adding bales of hay and cornstalks to the landscaping — these can often be picked up at local farms or even craft stores. Pumpkins and gourds also make wonderful additions to the bright colors of the fall landscaping. These can be added to a porch or front entrance, or can even be placed on the ground among your other plants. Last, a fall wreath on the door adds the perfect touch to the fall landscaping outside of any home.

Known for their brilliant red fall foliage. With dark green leaves through spring, in late summer the leaves turn a beautiful burgundy red.
With the proper preparation, any yard can easily be transformed for the season of fall. Any local nursery or home improvement store will have a large selection of items available to purchase so that the added touches of shrubs, fall flowers and trees can give your home an elegant and seasonal look with little effort.
For more information and tips on your landscaping needs, please contact DK Landscaping (707) 280-3632 or by email,
Tagged: bare trees, colorful, colorless landscape, DK Landscaping, doublefile viburnum, dull landscape, elegant, fall, flowers, gourds, hay, leaves, maple trees, mums, nursery, pumpkins, season, seasonal, shrubs, sourwood trees, summer, trees, wreaths
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