Posts Tagged Autumn

Raking Leaves – for Aesthetics or Maintenance?

As wonderful as Autumn is, removing the fallen leaves from your lawn in the late fall is not generally regarded as a fun task. It’s time consuming and a bit tedious.  You’ll be glad to know the payoff for all your labor goes beyond simply enhancing the curb appeal of your property. Removing fallen leaves is not only vital for the health of your lawn, but the beauty of it as well.

 Excessive leaf matter on your lawn going into winter is bad for several reasons. Why you might ask? When your lawn becomes buried in layers of leaves, it becomes smothered and is deprived of water, air and nutrients it needs to survive. Without proper leaf removal your lawn will also become a breeding ground for fungi, disease and insects. Additionally, when leaves shade the grass they prevent it from receiving the sunlight it needs to thrive. While a few scattered leaves on the lawn won’t do much harm, a heavy thick layer will. Leaves left in place over the winter often become compacted and cause extensive damage to your lawn which can lead to increased costs and maintenance in the Spring.

Instead of raking the leaves, wait until they’re good and crunchy (ripe for jumping into), and then mow the leaves into little pieces. Then, you can just leave them! The leaves will serve as mulch and will protect the soil around your trees, shrubs, or garden.

Another option you have is to compost your leaves, but you simply can’t rake up all your leaves into a big pile and expect them to compost themselves. Composting requires regular turning of the leaves as well as the right amount of moisture.

Want to leave the fall clean-up work load for someone else? DK Landscaping Services offers both leaf removal and fall clean-up services. These services help ensure your landscape is clear of debris and fallen leaves are removed, preventing mold and fungus from growing. Give us a call (707) 280-3632.

Goodbye Summer. Hello Autumn!


Autumn is officially here in Sonoma County! When we think of the season, we think of vibrant foilage, crunchy leaves, the smell of crisp sweet air, pumpkins, hot apple cider and Halloween. But as we get further into the season, the sunlight begins to wane, the nights are chillier, our trees are more bare and the landscape looks tired. It’s easy for us at this point to hang up our boots,  turn our backs on our landscape and take up shelter for warmth. But the reality is that Autumn is the most ideal time to tend to our lawns and prepare it for the harsh winter ahead to ensure it’s in the best of health for a springier spring. Here are DK Landscaping’s top tips to winterize your landscape:

Mow & Mulch
Mow your lawn into the fall and avoid removing more than one-third of the leaf blades with each cut. Return grass clippings and back to the soil for added lawn nutrients and use tree leaf compost to nourish plants. That will allow more sunlight to reach the crown of the grass, and there will be less leaf to turn brown during the winter.

Aerate & Prune
Aerating is a lawn process that puts small holes into the ground to allow air, water, and nutrients to transcend into the ground  and allows you to remove unwanted weeds from manifesting. Help your lawn breathe through fall core aeration to strengthen roots and to prepare for a hardy spring workout. Conduct corrective pruning of trees and shrubs in fall to enhance plant appearance and vigor, and thin rather than top-shear and overgrown shrubs and flowering trees to preserve their overall shape.

Rake those Leaves
Don’t wait until all the leaves have fallen from the trees to start raking. If you do, the leaves will become wet from rain and morning dew, stick together and form an impenetrable mat that, if left there, will suffocate the grass and breed fungal diseases.

Feed for the Winter
A good fall feeding gives roots of lawns, trees and shrubs the energy needed to prepare for a healthy spring green revival. Keep fertilizer on target to prevent run-off and sweep fertilizer granules that may reach pavement back onto your lawn.

DK Landscaping is your Sonoma County lawn experts. We have all the tools, experience and are backed by 10 years trusted guaranteed service. Give us a call so we can help make your lawn beautiful! For a full list of services, please contact Kathy Lee at (707) 280-3632 or contact us by email,