Xeriscape California Plant List

California boasts a rich variety of flowers, trees, and flora ~ a somewhat surprising fact considering the prevalence of arid landscapes and drought. Home and business owners who want an eco-friendly, economic landscaping solution would be wise to utilize xeriscape, a form of landscaping that combines drought-resistant plants, efficient irrigation, and thoughtful garden design to create beautiful outdoor spaces. To get started, check out this list of plants that will make a wonderful addition to your xeriscaping.

Luxury House


Aloes are a variety of succulents that do well in dry environments. One common variety is Aloe Vera, also known as burn plant due to its ability to soothe sunburn. Aloe Vera can grow up to 3 feet in height and produces lovely yellow flowers. Although commonly grown as houseplants, Aloes can also thrive in xeriscape environments due to their preference for bright light and dry, well-draining soil.


This xeriscape-friendly plant is known for its use in making tequila! There are many different varieties, but all have a main taproot that discourages transplanting after they have been installed. A loose, well-draining soil is a must and plants prefer to dry out completely between watering. Agave tends to bloom once, then die, but often produces pups, or baby plants, that can replace the original.

Mexican Sage

A member of the Salvia family, Mexican Sage is a perennial that produces gorgeous purple or white flowers that can make it a stunning xeriscape addition. Moisture requirements are somewhat higher than for previously mentioned succulent varieties, so it may not be ideal for very arid locations. However, it is drought tolerant and often attracts pollinators like butterflies and hummingbirds.


Verbena comes in many varieties, including lemon, rose, and purpletop, just to name a few. Lemon verbena smells fantastic and can be used to make herbal tea. They can be grown as annuals or perennials and are resistant to heat and drought. Depending on the variety you choose, they can get quite tall and bushy, often producing beautiful, brightly colored flowers.


Most honeysuckle vine varieties smell fantastic, attract pollinators, produce beautiful flowers, and come back year-after-year. Being heat and drought resistant and fairly low maintenance makes them a wonderful addition to xeriscape areas. Full to partial sun and a well-draining soil are preferable. A fence, trellis, or other support system helps them grow to their full potential.

Sedge Grass

Sedges are a large family of grasses that work well in place of more high maintenance turf grass. They tend to be adaptable and often require little water. California meadow sedge is native to the Pacific coast area and tolerates heat, drought, and even foot traffic. It can be used as part of an eye-catching xeriscape focal point or used to replace a more traditional lawn. Since it requires very little mowing and no fertilizers or other chemicals, sedge grass is a great, no-fuss addition to any landscape.

Hollyleaf Cherry

The hollyleaf cherry tree is a shrub native to the California coast that produces lush, evergreen leaves, cream colored flowers, and edible fruit. The fruit is not very fleshy though, so it probably won’t become your favorite snack, but birds and other wildlife may appreciate it. Hollyleaf cherry is very tolerant of drought, thrives in full to partial sun, and prefers well-draining soil.
Xeriscape landscaping techniques are sure to become more popular as awareness grows about the need to conserve water and choose drought resistant plants. DK Landscaping strives to create beautiful landscapes that function well in the natural environment, so call us or contact us via email today to get started on a xeriscape project for your home or business.

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