Gardening Advice from a Landscape Maintenance Company

Gardening Advice from a Landscape Maintenance CompanyMost people expect three things from their landscape: for it to look good, for it to require little maintenance, and for that maintenance to be inexpensive.The reality is that to keep your garden looking green and healthy, you will have to invest a lot of time, money and effort. Serious gardening may not be easy if you have a busy life. However, with a little planning and the right advice, it is possible to reduce gardening costs while still having an aesthetically pleasing garden. In order to get the most out of your gardening time on the weekends, consider the following tips:

  • Understand Your Garden
    Before you decide to add anything new to your garden or to make any big changes, look at what is already there. Pay attention to the weather, as well as to the light and soil in your yard. Look at the types of plants that are thriving under the conditions present on your property. When you go shopping for new plants, look for ones that flourish under those same conditions.
  • Put in a Few Trees
    Trees are an excellent addition to your property and can help to increase its value. Mature trees not only provide a degree of privacy for your home, they can provide protection for plants lower to the ground as well. Trees last for a long time and require relatively little maintenance.
  • Choose the Right Plants
    If you are a busy person without much time for gardening, you may want to focus on low maintenance plants. It is important to remember that the meaning of a term like “low maintenance” can differ from person to person. Plants that are considered by others to need little maintenance may actually require more gardening time than you are able to invest. If you have limited time for gardening, consider hiring a professional to handle your landscape maintenance. With their help, you may be able to get plants that require more effort.
  • Take Out the Tough Weeds Prior to Planting
    When you are putting in a new landscape, preparation makes all the difference. By carefully preparing the soil, you can substantially reduce the amount of time and effort that you spend gardening. Remove the top layer of sod in the location that you intend to use for your garden. Completely remove annual and perennial weeds from the area as well. Till the soil and let the sun dry out any remaining weeds. Give it a week before tilling again.
  • Choose Plants of the Right Size
    Look at the tags on your plants to find out how large they will get. Avoid crowding your garden beds and pay attention to the plants’ growth tendencies rather than try to restrict them.
  • Pruning
    Good gardening involves pruning your plants annually to maintain their health and to keep your garden looking neat.

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