The Principles of Xeriscaping on Your Property
Living in a hot and dry area or one that does not have much rainfall does not mean that you cannot have the exceptional landscapes typical in places with a lot of rain. Furthermore, you need not waste the average 90 gallons of water watering the plants for a thriving lawn or landscape. There is one option for having a flourishing lawn in an eco-friendly manner, even in dry regions. The solution lies in xeriscaping.
Xeriscaping denotes a landscaping design method based on water conservation. Though often meant for property owners in semi-arid and arid places, the design can also be used in areas with a lot of rain to conserve water. The concept in xeriscaping is conserving water through the correct landscaping principles.
Below are the guiding principles of xeriscaping.

Limited Turf Area and Use a Suitable Grass Variety
Grass is beneficial in landscaping because it controls erosion and water infiltration into the soil. However, a large turf section is one of the biggest causes of wasted water for landscaping. You should try to have grass only in the sections where kids and pets will need it or, in commercial spaces, only in regions that can accommodate many people.
It is best to limit the grass in your landscape to the flat and shaded areas of your property. This minimizes the risk of runoff and evaporation. You should also pick the grass varieties that have deeper roots, since they retain moisture better than those with shallow roots. Some of the best varieties for xeriscaping include Blue Grama, California Oatgrass, Blue Fescue, Bermuda, Buffalo, and St. Augustine.
Improved Soils
Consider using organic soil enhancements like manure, wood chips, peat moss, or grass clippings to improve your landscaping soil. These will support the growth of plants with broad root systems, allow natural aeration, and increase the soil’s water retention capacity.
There are also commercial inorganic soil amendments, but these are more expensive than their organic counterparts. However, they will still benefit your lawn if you, for whichever reason, cannot get organic enhancements. Before any soil improvements, the soil is tested to know its elements that need increasing and the best options for it.
Addition of a Water-retaining Mulch
Mulch will form a protective layer between the air and your plants’ roots, thus encouraging water retention. The best options for this are pine needles and shredded hardwood. Water retention not only improves plant health but will also minimize the evaporation rate and thus reduce the frequency of watering plants. In hot, dry climatic regions, steer clear of rocks and mulch types that radiate or retain heat. These only burn your plants.
Inclusion of a Rain Garden in Runoff Sections
Rain gardens are ideal options for cleaning and capturing groundwater in the low-lying sections of your property. Though dry in most instances, they will hold a generous amount of water after it rains. You can include perennials, flowers, and native shrubs around the rain garden to create a beautiful landscape bed. You can also settle for cisterns, porous paving, and rain barrels to capture runoff that can be recycled to water your landscape.
The Use of Drought-resistant and Native Plants
Drought-resistant and native plant species will often consume less water than exotic species. You can find a broad range of drought-resistant landscaping plants at your local nursery to match your envisioned design. To ensure you get the suitable plant varieties, research the distribution and amount of rainfall in your area beforehand.
Pick plants based on their expected sizes when mature rather than the size in which you buy them. Moreover, pick a few trees to maximize the shade in your landscape for the plants. This shade reduces evaporation, and the trees will act as windbreakers that protect your fragile plants.
An Effective Irrigation Method
Soaker hoses or drip irrigation is the ideal irrigation option in xeriscaping. This comprises a network of pipes with tiny holes that deliver water to the plants’ roots to minimize evaporation and water wastage. Overhead irrigation or using a watering cane leads to less water delivered to your plant roots and wastes a lot of water.
Furthermore, consider watering your plants in the morning because the water will evaporate slowly in cool conditions at this time. Watering plants in the morning also allows them to dry as the day progresses. This reduces the risk of your plants contracting fungal diseases that usually affect humid or constantly wet plants.
If you want to start conserving water in your landscaping design, do not assume that this is as easy as sticking to the xeriscaping principles above. There are different elements like making the right choice of mulch in relation to your soil, climate, and plants. To save time and guarantee the best results, hire skilled landscapers from DKlandscaping to handle your xeriscaping.
Tagged: garden design, xeriscape
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