The Ultimate Guide to Landscape Maintenance -v2

No landscaper wants to see beetles, aphids, slugs or any other troublesome pests anywhere in their garden. Many of these pests are known to leave a path of destruction, destroying lawns, trees and plants wherever they go. Therefore when pursuing landscape maintenance, pest control is another important element that you may not want to forget. Even if it may look like just a few innocent bugs, infestations could rapidly spread, killing plants and trees along with your time and energy that you invested.

This is why it’s important that you visit your local garden center and speak to the staff there about the best pest control products to use to help you to keep pest at bay. It’s also important that landscapers make this a regular practice when conducting landscape maintenance to guarantee protection for your entire landscape.


Landscape Maintenance

Fertilizing landscapes despite popular belief, is more than just throwing products into the soil and expecting something to happen instantly. Fertilizing takes time and should be done carefully and precisely if you are to get the best possible results. So when conducting landscape maintenance, so that you know what you’re doing, here’s a simple guide people can follow when fertilizing their landscape.

  • Choosing A Fertilizer – Fertilizers can be purchased in a liquid, a granule, or a spike form and are mainly used to provide nutrients to soil and plants. Fertilizers when manufactured provide product information that includes an analysis such as 10-6-4, 5-10-5, or 30-7-7.

Here the first number represents the percentage of the nitrogen content in the fertilizer, the second number refers to the phosphorus content, and the third the potassium content in the fertilizer. This information is provided as an indicator to notify people of what exactly they’re purchasing and where it can best be used.

If you come across a fertilizer with these three major plant nutrients based on the NPK analysis, it is called a complete fertilizer and can be used to provide landscapes with a complete set of nutrients in one application.

  • Fertilizing Trees – Depending on the landscape goals and what the current nutrient status of the soil is, landscapers can best determine how much and how often to fertilize trees, however, with small trees, these should only be fertilized once a year.
  • Fertilizing Plants – Plants absorb fertilizer at any time during the growing season so long as it’s not too dry or the soil is frozen. Fertilizer is usually absorbed by plant roots during the dormant period, once soil temperatures stay above 40 degrees F.


As part of landscape maintenance, mulching is also another important element that ought to be considered. Mulching is a great way to further promote health, vigor and beauty throughout your landscape and enables landscapers to benefit in numerous ways. This practice is known to support plant stability and provide nutrients to the soil while preventing weeds and maintaining consistent moisture levels throughout landscapes.

Think of how much time could be saved to do other things just by mulching, since you hardly have to weed or water landscapes. Apart from this mulching can also bring an extra sense of appeal while improving the aesthetics of landscapes, adding color and uniformity to the area.

Just like fertilizing, mulching should be done a particular way, wherein most landscapes mulch can be applied so it covers up to 3 inches above the soil and about 1 inch away from plant stems; As for trees, these can be mulched up to 8 inches off the ground.

People can also visit their local garden center to purchase mulch which can come in the form of wood chippings, bark nuggets, compost and much more. Grass clippings from your regular turf mowing can also be kept and used as mulch.

Don’t Have the Time to Conduct Landscape Maintenance? – Our Team Can Make it Happen for You!

Altogether, landscaping and landscaping maintenance can test the best of gardeners and is not for the faint of heart. Time money and lots of energy have to be put into creating and maintaining a gorgeous landscape.

If you’re retired, you work from home or landscaping is your profession then you may have more time on your hands to keep things with your landscape in order and even then there can still be numerous challenges as you may need help with several tasks. However, if you just don’t have the time or may meet certain challenges in different aspects of landscape maintenance, then we are here to help.

With top-rated landscape maintenance services, here at DK Landscaping we would be happy to come and give you a hand or conduct your landscape maintenance for you.With a knowledgeable, friendly staff, affordable rates and convenient services we can work to keep your landscape looking beautiful any time of year.

Operating efficiently and in any landscape environment, give us a call at to book your appointment or visit us online at for more information. Get your landscape maintenance done today, it’s just a call or click away.


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