Meet Kathy Lee

Kathy Lee

Kathy Lee is the General Manager.

Kathy is the K in DK Landscaping as in “David and Kathy Landscaping”. For almost 18 years she had been working in the Title and Escrow Business, and upon turning 50, Kathy decided it was time for a change in career paths and join DK Landscaping full time.  She wants to work outdoors and be in the elements after decades of being locked in an office.

She returned to school to become certified in Maintenance, Management and as a Technician for the landscaping business. Although it is definitely a challenge, Kathy is thoroughly enjoying school, and is doing extremely well! She is averaging A grades.   In fact, she won the SRJC Environmental Horticulture Student of the Year award.

SRJC Environmental Horticulture Student of the Year.

Kathy have been in the background of DK Landscaping for many years and she is enjoying the opportunity to become a front-runner in the business, working with our clients and taking pride in being able to help clients with their needs.

Kathy is certified as a Qualified Water Efficient Landscaper (QWEL) through the Sonoma County Water Agency, and look forward to helping clients save water, money and be green with their landscaping needs.