Posts Tagged mulching

The Ultimate Guide to Year-Round Yard Cleanup and Maintenance

image of man pouring lawn fertilizer into a spreader

Maintaining a beautiful yard is a year-long commitment that requires careful planning and execution. With each season comes a new set of challenges and opportunities to enhance your outdoor space. This comprehensive guide will walk you through the essentials of year-round yard cleanup and maintenance, ensuring your garden thrives in harmony with the changing seasons.

Spring Awakening

As spring unfurls its fresh canvas, the awakening of your garden heralds a season of rebirth and rejuvenation. This period is pivotal for setting the tone for a flourishing garden throughout the year. Begin with a thorough cleanup, removing winter’s remnants—such as fallen branches, leaves, and other debris—to clear the way for new growth. Pruning plays a crucial role in spring; it not only shapes your plants but also promotes healthy development and blossoming. However, it’s essential to know which plants benefit from spring pruning, as timing can affect flowering and growth.

Aeration is another vital task; it alleviates soil compaction, allowing air, water, and nutrients to penetrate the grass roots, laying the groundwork for a vigorous lawn. Early spring is also the ideal time to rejuvenate your garden beds, preparing them for the season’s planting. Incorporating organic matter or compost improves soil health, providing a nutrient-rich environment for plants to thrive.

As new life sprouts in your garden, consider the layout and plan for seasonal additions. Early spring is an opportune moment to plant hardy annuals and perennials, which will establish themselves quickly in the cool, moist soil, ensuring a vibrant display as the seasons progress. By embracing these springtime rituals, you cultivate not just a garden but a sanctuary that grows in beauty and vitality with each passing year.

Summer Vigilance

In the height of summer, your garden enters a phase of intense growth and vitality, necessitating vigilant care to sustain its beauty and health. This period requires a proactive approach to weed management. Regularly removing weeds prevents them from competing with your plants for essential nutrients and water. Mulching becomes an indispensable ally, serving a dual purpose: it conserves soil moisture, crucial during the sweltering days, and acts as a natural barrier against the emergence of unwanted weeds.

Efficient water management is key during this time. Checking and adjusting your irrigation system ensures that your garden receives the right amount of water without waste, a critical consideration during times of potential drought. Adjusting watering schedules to the cooler parts of the day minimizes evaporation and maximizes the water’s benefit to your plants.

Mowing practices should adapt to the summer conditions as well. Keeping the grass at a slightly longer length than usual helps to protect the roots from the intense sun and heat, promoting a healthier, more resilient lawn. This approach not only enhances the green lushness of your garden but also supports its overall ecosystem, encouraging a balance between beauty and sustainability as the season unfolds.

Autumn Preparation

As autumn paints the landscape in vibrant hues, it’s a signal to start preparing your garden for the impending cold. This season is crucial for maintenance tasks that protect and invigorate your garden’s future growth. Raking and removing fallen leaves are essential to avoid mold and fungus, which thrive under damp, decomposing foliage. Autumn’s cool weather is also ideal for overseeding and fertilizing your lawn, setting the stage for robust, green growth when spring arrives.

Planting bulbs during this time promises the reward of early blooms, offering a burst of color at winter’s end. Additionally, autumn is when you should begin winterizing tasks, such as protecting sensitive plants from frost and preparing irrigation systems for the freeze, ensuring they remain functional for the next growing season. This proactive approach not only preserves your garden’s beauty and health through the winter but also lays the groundwork for a flourishing landscape in the year ahead.

Winter Care

Winter’s quiet might suggest a pause in garden activity, but it’s actually a critical period for protective measures and forward planning. Wrapping plants in burlap or frost cloths shields them from the harshest winter elements, preserving your garden’s vitality. This dormant season offers a valuable opportunity for reflection and strategy: assess the past year’s successes and areas for improvement. It’s a perfect time to dream up new garden layouts or consider different plant varieties that could enhance your garden’s diversity and resilience. Planning during these colder months ensures that you’re ready to spring into action when the weather warms, with a clear vision for your garden’s future.

The Foundation of Flourishing Gardens: Understanding Soil Health

hands holding up rich soil

Welcome to another insightful post from DK Landscaping, where we dive into the essentials of creating and maintaining vibrant gardens. Today, we’re focusing on a critical, yet often overlooked, aspect of landscaping: soil health. Understanding and nurturing the soil is the first step towards a flourishing garden. Let’s explore why soil health is foundational and how you can enhance it for a thriving outdoor space.

The Vital Role of Healthy Soil

Soil is not just dirt. It’s a living, breathing entity that plays a crucial role in supporting plant life. Healthy soil fosters a rich ecosystem of bacteria, fungi, worms, and other organisms that work together to break down organic matter, enriching the soil and providing essential nutrients to plants.

Nutrient Availability and Soil Health

Plants rely on soil for water, oxygen, and nutrients. Healthy soil has the right balance of minerals and organic matter, which releases nutrients in a form that plants can absorb. Understanding the nutrient content of your soil is key to identifying which amendments might be needed to support your garden.

Water Retention and Drainage

The structure of healthy soil allows it to effectively retain moisture, providing plants with a consistent water supply. It also ensures proper drainage, preventing waterlogged roots which can lead to plant diseases. Balancing moisture retention with adequate drainage is a hallmark of soil health.

Enhancing Your Soil Health

Testing Your Soil

The first step in improving soil health is understanding its current condition. Soil tests reveal pH levels, nutrient deficiencies, and organic matter content, guiding your amendment choices.

Organic Matter and Composting

Adding organic matter is one of the best ways to enhance soil health. Compost improves soil structure, nutrient content, and microbial activity, supporting vibrant plant growth.

Mulching: A Dual Purpose Ally

Mulching conserves moisture, suppresses weeds, and as it decomposes, adds organic matter back into the soil, improving its health and fertility.

Natural Fertilizers and Amendments

Choosing the right fertilizers and soil amendments is crucial. Organic options like bone meal, blood meal, and green manure can provide necessary nutrients without harming soil organisms.

Embracing Crop Rotation and Cover Crops

In larger garden spaces, rotating crops and using cover crops can significantly improve soil health by preventing nutrient depletion and enhancing soil structure.

The Impact of Soil Health on Garden Success

Healthy soil is the bedrock of a flourishing garden. It supports plant health, aids in disease resistance, and contributes to the overall beauty and productivity of your landscaping efforts.

By investing time and resources into understanding and improving soil health, you’re laying the groundwork for a garden that not only grows but thrives.

At DK Landscaping, we believe that a deep understanding of soil health is essential for any successful landscaping project. By focusing on the foundation beneath our feet, we can create lush, vibrant gardens that are a testament to the power of healthy soil.

Remember, every great garden starts with great soil. Let’s make your garden flourish together.

Water-Saving Tips for Your Garden

woman with a green watering can, watering her flower garden

Gardening is a great way to beautify your home while also providing fresh produce. However, it can also be a significant source of water consumption. With water becoming an increasingly scarce resource, it’s important to find ways to conserve it. Water-saving tips for your garden can help you save water and reduce your water bill.

There are many ways to save water in your garden. One of the easiest ways is to choose plants that are well-suited to your climate and soil type. These plants will require less water and maintenance, saving you time and money. Another way to save water is to use mulch around your plants. Mulch helps to retain moisture in the soil, reducing the need for frequent watering.

In addition to these tips, there are many other water-saving techniques that you can use in your garden. From using drip irrigation systems to collecting rainwater, there are many ways to conserve water while still maintaining a beautiful garden. By implementing these tips and techniques, you can reduce your water consumption and help to protect this valuable resource.

Efficient Watering Practices

Understanding Soil and Plant Needs

One of the most important things to consider when it comes to efficient watering practices is understanding the soil and plant needs. Different types of soil have different moisture retention properties, which means that some soils will require more water than others. For example, clay soil tends to hold onto water for longer periods of time than sandy soil, which means that plants growing in clay soil will require less frequent watering.

Additionally, it’s important to consider the type of plants that are being grown in the garden. Native plants and drought-tolerant plants are great options for conserving water in the garden, as they are adapted to the local climate and require less water to thrive. On the other hand, plants that are not well-suited to the local climate will require more water to stay healthy.

Watering Techniques and Scheduling

Another important aspect of efficient watering practices is using the right watering techniques and scheduling. For example, morning watering is generally recommended as it allows plants to absorb moisture before the heat of the day causes evaporation. Deep watering is also important, as it encourages plants to develop deep root systems that can better withstand dry spells.

It’s also important to consider the timing and frequency of watering. Overwatering can lead to fungal diseases and runoff, which can be harmful to the environment. Gardeners should aim to water their plants only when necessary, and to avoid watering during periods of rain or high humidity.

Irrigation System Efficiency

For those who use an irrigation system, it’s important to ensure that the system is as efficient as possible. This can be achieved by using water-efficient emitters, installing a rain-shutoff device, and regularly checking and maintaining the system. Irrigation system controllers can also be used to schedule watering times and ensure that water is not wasted.

In addition to these tips, gardeners can also consider using rain barrels or other rainwater harvesting systems to save water in the garden. Mulching and composting can also help to conserve water and improve soil moisture retention. By following these water-saving tips and using efficient watering practices, gardeners can help to promote sustainability and conserve water in their gardens.

Sustainable Garden Design and Maintenance

Choosing the Right Plants

Choosing the right plants for a sustainable garden is crucial. Native plants, drought-tolerant plants, succulents, and perennials are great options for water-saving gardens. These plants require less water, are adapted to the local climate, and are more resistant to pests and diseases. Yucca and verbena are examples of beautiful and low-water-use plants that can thrive in a water-saving garden.

Mulching and Ground Cover

Mulching is an effective way to reduce water usage in the garden. Organic mulch such as lawn clippings, leaves, and compost can help retain moisture in the soil, prevent weed growth, and improve soil health. Ground cover plants such as creeping thyme, clover, or sedum also help to retain moisture and reduce erosion.

Wheel barrel with mulch and a shovel in it

Alternative Water Sources and Collection

Using alternative water sources can be a game-changer for water-saving gardens. Rainwater harvesting is a great way to collect water for the garden. Installing a rain barrel or water tank can help to store and use rainwater for irrigation. Ollas are also a great way to save water. These clay pots are buried in the soil and slowly release water to the roots of the plants, reducing water waste and promoting plant growth.

By implementing sustainable garden design and maintenance practices such as choosing the right plants, mulching and ground cover, and using alternative water sources, gardeners can create beautiful and thriving gardens while conserving water and promoting sustainability.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are effective methods for reducing water usage in your garden?

There are several effective methods for reducing water usage in your garden. One of the most effective ways is to choose plants that are native to your region and are adapted to the local climate. These plants will require less water and maintenance compared to non-native plants. Additionally, using mulch around the plants can help retain moisture in the soil, reducing the need for frequent watering.

How can you conserve water when maintaining a vegetable garden?

To conserve water when maintaining a vegetable garden, it is important to water the plants deeply but less frequently. This encourages the roots to grow deeper and access water from lower layers of soil. Additionally, using drip irrigation or a soaker hose can help deliver water directly to the roots, reducing water waste. Using a rain barrel to collect rainwater can also provide a free source of water for your garden.

What are the benefits of watering plants early in the morning for water conservation?

Watering plants early in the morning is beneficial for water conservation because the cooler temperatures and lower wind speeds help reduce evaporation. Additionally, watering in the morning allows the plants to absorb the water before the heat of the day, reducing the risk of water stress.

What personal habit changes can lead to significant water savings in garden care?

Personal habit changes that can lead to significant water savings in garden care include using a broom instead of a hose to clean patios and driveways, fixing leaks in hoses and sprinklers, and using a bucket instead of a hose to wash cars. Additionally, reducing the frequency of lawn watering and using drought-tolerant plants can help save water.

How can you utilize greywater from showers and baths for gardening purposes?

Greywater from showers and baths can be utilized for gardening purposes by diverting the water to a holding tank or directly into the garden. However, it is important to use biodegradable and non-toxic soaps and detergents to avoid harming the plants. It is also recommended to use greywater for non-edible plants only.

What are the most efficient irrigation techniques for minimizing water waste in gardens?

The most efficient irrigation techniques for minimizing water waste in gardens include drip irrigation, soaker hoses, and micro-sprinklers. These methods deliver water directly to the roots of the plants, reducing water waste due to evaporation and runoff. Additionally, using a rain sensor or a smart irrigation controller can help adjust watering schedules based on weather conditions, further reducing water waste.

How Mulching Can Benefit Your Garden

In seeking to maintain or improve the growth and health of trees, plants and flowers in gardens there are several practical, techniques that gardeners can apply. One approach that has proven to be very effective in helping to promote the health of gardens is mulching.

Mulching can be used for Multiple Purposes


Mulching refers to the practice of applying a layer of material to the surface of soil. Mainly it is used to improve soil health and fertility, retain soil moisture and reduce weed growth. Mulching can be utilized in several different, areas including vegetable gardens, flower beds and surrounding landscapes. It is so effective that it allows gardeners to spend less time plucking up weeds, watering gardens and fighting pests.

Apart from its main uses mulch can also be used to lend additional support to plants by helping to stabilize them as well as help to enhance the visual appeal of gardens.

Types of Mulch Gardeners can Utilize when Mulching

When mulching gardens there are two basic kinds of mulch that gardeners can use these are organic or inorganic mulches. Generally organic mulches consist of numerous materials including straw, grass clippings, chopped leaves, shredded bark, wood chips and sawdust and inorganic mulches are mainly comprised of gravel, stones, geotextiles and black plastic.

Nevertheless both types of mulch can be used to deter weed growth and improve soil quality however with organic mulches soil is improved gradually as the organic material decomposes while inorganic mulches don’t.

Important Tips to Consider

If mulching to combat weeds there are a few things that people should keep in mind if it is to be done properly and effectively. Firstly it is recommended that mulch be laid down over soil that has already been weeded and secondly it should be laid down thick enough to discourage the reappearance of new weeds.

Considering this the thickness of mulch placed over soil should range around 4- 6 inches though a 2- 3 inch layer normally suffices in areas that have more shade and weed growth is not as prevalent.

Another very essential tip gardeners can utilize when mulching is the addition of nitrogen products to soil. Products like blood meal or fish meal can be used and should be applied before the mulch is laid as organic mulches usually have a low nitrogen content and this can help to increase nitrogen levels in soil so that plants get the desired nutrients.

Nevertheless one of the most important things that gardeners should take care to remember when mulching is how they place the mulch. When laying down mulch it should be kept no less than an inch away from crowns and stems of plants. This is mainly because wet mulch resting against the stems of flowers and vegetables can cause rot. Therefore it would be wise to ensure that mulch is placed at the appropriate distance to prevent this from happening.

Need Help with Mulching Your Garden? 

If you don’t know what to do or need help mulching a large garden area don’t hesitate to give us a call at DK Landscaping Inc. at: (707) 280-3632 we’d be happy to come and give you a hand.

Our services are prompt and professional and our prices affordable. Here at DK Landscaping we strive to offer the highest quality landscaping services to clients so give us a call today or you can check out our website: to have a look at the services we offer.


Mulching Benefits for Santa Rosa Residents

No matter what shape or size your garden is, they always have their own characteristics. Flower gardens add aesthetic appeal to any property, whereas vegetable gardens are regaining their popularity due to the increased vegetable prices. Vegetable gardens are also popular due to some people who prefer to spend their time in gardening. Whether they are flower or vegetable or landscape, all gardens gain huge benefits from the use of mulch, which is either organic or inorganic place on the soil top. However, organic mulches are also known as the natural mulches, and these include the grass clipping, hardwood chips, and crushed leaves. However, inorganic mulches are less expensive than the synthetic mulches that should be replaced due to the deterioration.

Why do you need to choose to mulch for your gardens or landscapes?

There are various reasons that mulching is among the best options for your gardens or landscapes, but people prefer mulching as –

These add curb appeal.

When you start using the mulch for your garden, these instantly enhance the rich color and manicured looks of your landscape beds, around the trees, and shrubs and between the gardens. Mainly, if you have the flower gardens, you need to go with the colored mulching as these perfectly enhance the gardens’ look and feel.

Improves the soil

Wood mulches and the mulches that are made from the organic materials improve the soil when they start breaking down. The microorganisms and the insects present in the soil consume the mulch naturally with time while adding the products back to the soil in the organic matter form.

Provides protection against the temperature changes

Mulches act as the insulators that help to regulate the soil temperature while keeping the plant roots cool in the summers and warm in the winters. Mulching is mainly essential for the new plants that need to be used in the fall when the temperatures start to plummet.

These conserve moisture

When you prefer mulching, then you don’t have to spare your time for watering more frequently as these lower the moisture evaporation so that water can remain in the soil for the thirsty plant roots.

Helps to prevent weeds

You need to use a 2 to 3-inch layer for mulching naturally as it prevents the weeds from sprouting and taking over the landscape by blocking their growth and access to the sunlight.

Benefits of using mulch

Adding mulch to the gardens have various benefits as these can make the gardens much more attractive than ever before. Here are some of the mulching benefits for Santa Rosa residents –

  • Mulches can retain moisture in the soil.
  • Organic mulch can break with time, and contribute to improving the soil health mainly when the soil fertility is poor.
  • Mulch can reduce winter injuries while controlling the weeds.
  • These can provide various benefits to the garden as these protect the erosion and injuries that can arise while removing weeds with the lawnmowers or others.
  • Furthermore, various mulches, including cypress, cedar, or pinewood chips, Works reliably to repel ticks, gnats, and fleas that can affect plant growth.

Hire the professionals for mulching

As you prefer to do everything professionally, the mulches need to be done perfectly, if you want to get the relevant benefits from the task. If you are putting more mulch on your trees and plants, you are actually harming them rather than doing good for them. When doing so, the material will not decompose fast, and as a result, soil cannot breathe properly, which leads to the various common issues –

  • Excess moisture can get trapped in the root zone while causing the stress and rotting in the roots
  • The stress on the tissues can cause plant disease while affecting the growth of the plants
  • However, these can also affect the pH balance that can cause nutrient deficiencies while building toxic materials
  • Microorganisms or insects can start making homes in the mulch while affecting the plants in the gardens.
  • Mulch can also poison the young plants while becoming anaerobic.

Why You Should Be Mulching Your Garden

“The Love Of Gardening Is A Seed Once Sown That Never Dies” – Gertrude Jekyll

You ask why mulching? Well here’s a logical answer to that question, you see at the beginning of each growing season it’s typical for most landscapes and gardens to carry a rough and lifeless look. Rain and snow from last winter certainly seem to take a toll on a landscape that was thriving only a few months before.

Despite this, you put on your gloves and get started with preparing your garden for the upcoming planting season. Perhaps you’ve cleared the garden beds of last year’s leaf litter, laid down fresh soil and already planted a number of new plants.

Sounds promising but there’s still one thing you haven’t done to ensure the health and longevity of this season’s plantings and if you didn’t know, mulching is a popular gardening technique which basically uses certain organic and inorganic materials to cover soil.

Learn How Mulching Can Help Gardeners Achieve Appeal

Over time, mulching has proven to be a very effective gardening technique that lends help, protection and nourishment to blooms. In fact, gardeners who utilize mulch are guaranteed to see fantastic results throughout their garden.

Despite popular belief, mulching a garden goes way beyond modern, garden aesthetics and is more than just a colorful addition that complements a home’s exterior.

If you take a trip to your local garden center you’ll see that there are plenty of garden-bed coverage options available, that can benefit your garden one way or the other, however the big question is are they as effective as mulch?

The answer to that may very well be no since mulch can serve many purposes in gardens as opposed to using a number of different gardening products to achieve the same results. Firstly, because most forms of mulch are organic, they tend to help plants absorb and retain moisture, as well as to slow the process of evaporation from the soil.

Secondly, mulching is an excellent way to mitigate overwatering gardens by absorbing a great deal of the water that would otherwise waterlog the soil. Aside from this, when temperatures begin to soar in the summer, mulching plays an integral role in the health and growth of plants by maintaining the right amount of moisture when it gets too heated.

So in essence mulching is the perfect way to maintain consistent moisture levels in gardens when it’s heated since too much water can be just as bad as not enough water.

Mulch Offers Protection From The Elements So You Have Longer Lasting Blooms


Any gardener knows that it’s inevitable for a garden to endure extreme conditions when the seasons change each year, so finding effective ways to offer plants protection is always something that gardeners have to take into consideration.

Again, mulching can serve as the ideal solution since it acts as a formidable shield against the elements. On extremely hot or windy days, mulch can effectively serve as insulation to prevent the evaporation of water from plants and during cold periods, it captures heat from the sun to help regulate the temperature of the soil. Additionally, it offers exceptional support to plants and stability to the soil, to help plants to stay firmly rooted, where gardens are situated in extremely windy regions.


Can You Say Weed Control? – Say Goodbye To Menacing Weeds With Mulching

Weeds are a gardener’s worst nightmare and though they can’t be avoided completely if left to grow, they can choke and hinder the growth of plants. Covering soil in mulch pretty much deprives weed seeds of the light they need for germination and since it also prevents weed seeds from coming in contact with the soil, they are not able to fully take root.

Mulching? – Take A Look At The Most Popular Types Of Mulch Gardeners Use

With all this talk about mulch and the exceptional benefits it offers you’re probably wondering which materials out there are best to use for mulching. Well, to be honest mulch can come in many forms but it is said to be more beneficial when used in an organic form.

Here are some examples of natural materials that can be used for mulching. These include:

  • Wood Chips
  • Grass and Straw
  • Pine Needles
  • Bark Nuggets
  • Compost
  • Leaf Litter

Organic mulches have been discovered to not only offer protection and heat to plants when they break down but they also provide essential nutrients and improve soil quality as well. 

Some Gardeners Find Inorganic Mulches Work Well 

Gardeners who do vegetable gardening or are into agriculture, tend to utilize these particular types of mulch more since apart from their typical benefits, they also serve a unique purpose. Some of these include:

Uniquely, inorganic mulches serve as an effective form of pest management but along with this they help prevent root rot, allow for increased air permeability and permit easier rainfall penetration to plant roots.

So depending on the gardening environment, the choice of mulch used is usually determined by what is being grown and the existing conditions within a particular garden.

Since this article wouldn’t be complete without making mention to how mulch is applied in a garden, we’ll get straight into the juicy details on the right way to apply mulch.

No More Mistakes – Mulching The Right Way Brings The Best Results

Though many people may be under the impression that mulching is nothing more than spreading a bit of grass or wood chips at the top of garden beds, FYI it’s not. Mulching is actually a very beneficial gardening technique should it be done accurately.

To give you a better idea of how you should really be applying mulch, here is a definitive guide to mulching the correct way. Follow these steps and you’re sure to see mind-blowing results.

  1. Firstly, you will have to make an honest determination of how much mulch you will need to buy to get adequate coverage throughout your garden, especially if it is to be laid down nice and thick. ( Be careful not to add too much mulch as you can suffocate the plants)
  2. Once you’ve purchased your mulch and ready to go, your next step would be to give your soil a good turning and apply any product nutrients such as fish meal or blood meal before you lay down your mulch.
  3. For gardeners who are mulching to combat weeds, it is important that you must first remember to weed the soil beforehand. This is essential if mulching is to be done properly and for it to be effective and secondly it should be laid down thick enough to discourage the reappearance of new weeds.
  4. Now it’s time to lay down your mulch. When using organic mulches like shredded bark, wood chips or leaf litter, these should be laid down about 3 inches deep and shredded hardwood spread no more than 2 to 3 inches deep. For mulch consisting of coarse bark nuggets 3 to 5 inches deep should suffice and for landscapes that include trees, these can be mulched at about 8 inches off the ground.
  5. Although the laying of mulch is fairly easy, HOW it is placed is another thing and if not done correctly, can hamper plants. Therefore, when laying mulch down, it should be kept no less than an inch away from the crowns and stems of plants. This is mainly because wet mulch resting against the stems of flowers and vegetables can cause rot. So without further ado, it’s time to get started.

What’s your favorite type of mulch? “Personally, I’m a black mulch, shredded wood kind of gardener.” – Garden Enthusiast.

Do you need help mulching? Don’t know what mulch you should get? Call us at DK Landscaping we will gladly help you with mulching your garden. We also provide expert advice on the best mulch to use for your garden and even help you pick it out at the store.

We can mulch your entire landscape and take all the stress off your hands. Contact us at (707) 280-3632 to schedule your appointment or you can also visit our website for more information on our services.


Useful Tips For Watering Your Garden

A consistent supply of water plays an integral role in the nurturing and maintenance of trees, crops, plants and flowers on a daily basis. Nevertheless when it comes to supplying a garden with water most people believe that so long as plants are watered all is well. Unfortunately this may not necessarily be true as there are many factors that affect the way trees, plants and flowers receive water. With that said here are a few insightful tips for watering gardens that gardeners can utilize in order to maximize the amount of water their plants, trees and flowers receive.

Mulching Improves Water Retention In Gardens


Even though insufficient water can be harmful to trees, plants or flowers an excessive supply of water can practically have the same effect. So it would be safe to say that not only do gardens need a consistent supply of water to stay well maintained but they need accurately, proportioned, amounts as well.

It may seem like somewhat of a challenge to actually estimate what constitutes the the correct proportion of water that should be supplied to a garden. Even though there is not really a standard way to gauge this there are some methods gardeners can apply to make sure plants always have the water they need.

Mulching is a very effective gardening method that helps gardeners to reduce the excessive watering of gardens. This method also helps to improve water retention and soil structure so that plants don’t constantly need to be watered.

Test Soil Regularly To Eliminate Unnecessary Watering Of Gardens

Disproportionately watering gardens tends to not only be a wasteful practice but it  also causes gardeners to work more than necessary. Therefore gardeners should make it a practice to conduct regular tests on soil to determine whether or not plants need an immediate supply of water.

The best way to do this is to take a spade and push it deep into the soil. Once you pull the spade out check to see if it’s damp or dry which should give you an idea of if it’s time to water or not.

Remember though if you have clay soil it may feel damp whether it’s irrigated or not and sandy soil can feel dry even if it’s wet. So in cases like these gardeners should watch plants for when they start to show signs of water stress to determine when water should be supplied.

Some Mechanisms Can Provide An Adequate And Timely Water Supply To Gardens

Over time gardeners have taken advantage of the availability of certain tools that can help to effectively manage the water supply to their gardens. Some of these tools include automated irrigation and sprinkler systems which can not only minimize the time spent watering gardens but they can adequately supply water to plants at the required time.

Need Help With Irrigation Or Sprinkler Installation? Let DK Landscaping Manage The Job For You!

Are you are interested in installing an irrigation or sprinkler system in your garden but don’t know what to?  Well not to worry here at DK Landscaping Inc. we specialize in all your landscaping and gardening services and we’d be happy to come in and complete the installation for you.

Striving to provide the highest, quality, services to all clients we offer extremely affordable rates and we work with clients to manage any type of gardening environment. So give us a call at: 707 280-3632 or visit our for more information.


Effective Garden Tips Part 1 – Use Mulch For A Healthy Garden

In an effort to keep gardens healthy and vibrant gardeners utilize a variety of tips and techniques that serve to nurture, protect and maintain their plants and vegetables. Among these techniques  the use of mulch has been found to be one of the easiest and more common methods used to promote a healthy and consistent environment in gardens.

Generally mulching can be utilized in several different areas including vegetable gardens, flower beds, plant pots and walkway areas however it is mainly used to help in the elimination of annoying weeds and helps soil to retain moisture. Additionally it also helps to protect and stabilize plants, trees and crops.

Different Types Of Mulch

Basically there are two kinds of mulch that can be used in gardens and these are organic or inorganic mulch. Usually organic mulches consist of several different materials including chopped leaves, straw, grass clippings, wood chips, sawdust and shredded bark while inorganic mulches are mainly comprised of  gravel, stones, black plastic, and geotextiles.

Nevertheless regardless of the type applied to a garden its use is mainly the same which is to discourage weed growth and improve soil quality however organic mulches gradually improve soil as they decompose while inorganic mulches don’t.

How To Mulch

Gardeners mulch gardens for a variety of reasons but depending on the reason there are certain tips that should be applied if this technique is to be done properly and is to work effectively.

Mulch To Be Rid Of Weeds

For instance if mulch is being used to eliminate weeds there are two important tips gardeners should remember if it is to be executed accurately. The first tip would be to place the it on soil that has already been weeded and the second would be to lay it down on soil thick enough to discourage new weeds from reappearing.

Normally the thickness of mulch should range from around 4 – 6 inches when applied however in areas where weed growth is not as common a layer of mulch measuring 2-3 inches should be enough to do the trick.  

Mulching Reduces The Need To Water Gardens

As a great way to keep soil cool and help plants retain moisture in dry conditions gardeners can again apply mulch to their gardens. It also reduces the need to constantly water gardens and what’s more is that in cold conditions mulching also provides considerable protection to prevent the freezing and thawing of the soil as the gradual decomposition of materials only generate minimal heat.

Additional Tips To Consider 

When using organic mulch it is important to remember that they carry a low nitrogen content therefore gardeners should first fertilize soil with a high-nitrogen product such as blood meal or fish meal to increase nitrogen levels in the soil before applying mulch.

Gardeners should also remember to keep mulch about an inch away from crowns and stems to prevent them from becoming choked or damaged and should also be careful not to allow  wet mulch to rests against the stems of flowers and vegetables as it can cause them to rot.

So protect and maintain the ideal environment in gardens by considering mulching it will save you time and promote a healthy environment for your plants or vegetables.

Need Help In Your Garden?

If you don’t know what to do or need help mulching your garden don’t hesitate to give us a call at DK Landscaping Inc. at: (707) 217-6508 we’d be happy to come and give you a hand. You can also check out our website: to have a look at the services we offer.

Time To Mulch

There are various kinds of organic mulches used in garden maintenance.  They act as fertilizers giving your soil the nutrients and conditions needed for sustainable growth. The State of California has policies in place that govern the production of mulch.  Take a look at the various kinds of mulches that are highly recommended:

Types Of Mulches

Newspaper is becoming more widespread as mulch.  Shredded newspaper has been used to maintain a damp environment for plants during shipping. This technique has been used on land as well. The way this all works is because layers of newspaper have excellent water retaining capabilities.  They also help to control weeds and manage soil temperatures. This is an excellent benefit.

Shredded Leaves can be utilized as mulch any and everywhere in your garden.  This is one of the most natural forms of mulch. Many gardens have flourished by using this technique.

Grass Clippings is used in the isolated areas of your garden where you want to restrain weeds.  Grass clippings also are prone to mass down the water causing it not to pass through.

As part of your gardening maintenance plan you should utilize a mulching mower and leave back the clippings on the lawn to supply added fertility to your soil.  Nonetheless, if you place your grass clippings in bags do not discard of them, unless you have utilized weed killer or some other pesticide on your lawn. You should also know that synthetic lawn care items can be harmful to some flowers, so you may not want to use them in your garden.  Grass clippings that are not treated should be placed in your compost bin or utilize as mulch for open areas are not yet planted.

Some gardeners hate to see leaves in their garden, and that’s a fact.  Leaves really aren’t suitable for a formal garden.  But if you cover your garden with the leaf mulch it tend to fusion into the garden in no time. This way you can still have the beauty of your garden untarnished while giving it the advantages of having mulch added.

During rainy times, unshredded leaves may mass together and fight off the water. If the leaves are too wet to shred, they can still be used. If you are considering implementing this gardening improvement technique then seek an expert gardening service. Contact us the gardening experts for more sound advice and gardening maintenance.

Picking the Best Landscape Maintenance Services

Picking the Best Landscape Maintenance Services DK Landscaping Santa Rosa CALandscape maintenance goes well beyond regular lawn care in ways that might surprise you. For starters, if you’ve ever wondered why local parks and upscale homes look so great year round, the reason is probably regular landscaping.

From pruning and lawn care to a reliable irrigation schedule and weed-reduction services, a landscape maintenance company remains an affordable way to turn heads and quickly increase your home’s curb appeal.

Myriad Benefits of Landscape Maintenance 

Contracting out your landscape maintenance services, for instance, can increase your home’s resale value by over ten percent virtually overnight. A landscape maintenance company can also assist property managers lease space and offer a more professional face to the public.

A landscape maintenance company can work to expand on what’s already great about your home’s lawn and garden as well. Services like lawn edging, mulching and irrigation significantly enhance your home’s curb appeal and can give you more reasons to take daily pride in your home.

Pruning your home’s bushes and snipping overhanging branches are additional ways that a landscape maintenance company gives value back to homeowners. In short, a landscape maintenance company that can help you get your lawn, garden and walkway in shape is a win-win for you and your neighbors.

Unique Services Available to Homeowners 

If you’re somewhat fuzzy on the nuts and bolts of irrigation, mulching and the right watering schedule for your home’s soil and climate, then you’re just like millions of homeowners from around the country.

A landscape maintenance company, fortunately, has decades of experience testing for proper pH levels, installing and/or maintaining sprinkler systems, and removing weeds or unsightly overgrowth from your yard.

If a landscape maintenance company determines, for example, that your pH levels are out of whack, then a lime treatment can be used to get your lawn back on its feet.

This is all a huge boon for homeowners looking for a little extra time on the weekends as well as property managers who want to spend less time worrying and more time leasing space.

Interestingly, some studies even show that properly placed trees and plants can lower your HVAC costs by as much as one-fifth. This might seem shocking until you consider the heat gain during the hottest months – or the heating costs squandered to poor ventilation – due to a lack of shade around your home or commercial property.

From relatively simple jobs like mowing and mulching to larger projects like aeration and irrigation, a full-service landscape maintenance company is truly a one-stop-shop for all of your home’s landscaping needs.

Hiring a Landscape Maintenance Company 

Although you can probably find dozens of companies with mowers and leaf blowers in your area willing to provide simple services, a landscape maintenance company can provide more sophisticated services (e.g., irrigation) that bring experience and professional know-how to bear.

Many states even require that landscape maintenance companies have licenses before offering their services to the public. This coupled with the fact that a full-service landscape maintenance company can help with pest and weed control, sprinkler systems and pH detection makes this an easy call.

To reiterate, a landscape maintenance company can help homeowners and property managers in crucial ways – improving curb appeal, enhancing your home’s energy efficiency, and eliminating pests and weeds.

If you’ve always wanted a lusher lawn, contact the professionals at Xeriscape today for more information about a host of maintenance, repair and irrigation services.