Ways To Master Your Summer Lawn Care

Here are the Top 5 tips For Summer Lawn Care that can help you to achieve the best lawn.

  1. Starting Over – Cleaning Up –

Lawn Care

The first thing you should start by doing is walking over your lawn and gather branches, twigs, leaves and any other debris that has accumulated and dispose of. (Or it can be thrown in the compost bin to later be used as mulch)

Cleaning up your lawn area should also include raking up any matted areas of the lawn which can encourage snow moldNot only does this help to prevent any disease or insect infestation but at the same time it promotes better air flow throughout the turf and allows new grass blades to grow without difficulty.

  1. Protect Your Interest – Weed Control –

Weeds can definitely be a gardener’s worst nightmare and no matter how you try to get rid of them they keep coming back. Though you may not be able to stop them completely there are things you can do to keep them at bay. Weed control.

As part of your lawn care, it is very important to carry out weed control – applying an effective weed killer whether it be organic or inorganic before temperatures hit 55-60 degrees. If you wait until temperatures reach this point, conducting weed control will be pointless as weed seeds would have already begun to germinate.

  1. Kick Start Growth – Fertilizing –

Winter really signifies a dormant period for gardens and landscapes as your lawn and other areas tend to go into a slumber, however, fertilizing your lawn and other garden areas in the spring gives it a much-needed jumpstart.

This provides an intensified nutrient build up that will give your lawn and other areas the strength they require to withstand the heat and drought that follow in the summer months.

  1. Let It Breathe – Core Aeration

Just like weed control, it is important to core aerate lawns in the spring as part of your lawn care, before soil temperatures reach 55-60 degrees since this encourages aggressive weeds to populate void spaces in a lawn. Allowing water and air to reach root zones easily, core aeration is great for lawns and helps gardeners to quickly achieve new growth when they apply this useful tip.

  1. Repair And Rejuvenate Lawns – Re-Seeding Turf

Nine times out of ten winter will wreck havoc on your lawn and come spring the damage is done. Now what? Well, as long as the weather permits it how about doing some re-seeding?

This is a great technique gardeners can use to restore damaged areas of their lawns, however, it may be a bit tricky if you’re applying a pre-emergent weed control so it must be carefully done.

You see, pre-emergent weed control isn’t selective, meaning it will prevent ANY seed from germinating including those used to reseed your turf.

Usually, it’s recommended to hold off weed control to the latest point possible an to perform the turf repairs needed as early as possible so that the seeds have enough time to germinate and become established before weed killer is applied. If this is not possible, don’t skip your weed control instead wait until fall to perform any turf repairs necessary.

Bonus Tips For Lawn Care

  • Mow Turf On A High Setting –  You should adjust your mower to cut your lawn grass at the highest possible setting. Most turf types usually thrive better when blade heights are about 3 to 4 inches tall.
  • When mowing Zoysia grass and Centipede grass, use the lowest setting. For Bermuda grass and creeping bentgrass, it’s best to remove only a third of the total grass blade length at a time.
  • Applying mulch – Mulches help to provide essential nutrients and help with weed prevention and soil stability all season long be sure to apply some where necessary.

Contact the experts here at DK Landscaping – our expert team is on call to come in and assist you with any lawn care or gardening task that you have.

Give us a call at  (707) 280-3632 or you can visit our website at dklandscaping.com for more information or book your appointment.


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