Spring Landscaping Ideas For The Perfect Garden

Landscaping during spring can give you a luxurious and glamorous looking garden. Spring is classified as one of four temporal seasons experienced here on our planet which occurs just after the winter and just before the summer. When most people refer to spring or ‘springtime’, to them it becomes synonymous with ideas of rebirth, rejuvenation, renewal, resurrection and regrowth.

Nevertheless due to the cold conditions brought on by the winter season it is highly likely that most plants, trees and shrubs will suffer substantial damage during the early part of the year. If you have a garden in and around your surrounding property protecting your plants from any damage or destruction should always be a major concern.


Landscaping Your Property During Spring

Since the springtime is seen as a time of rebirth and regrowth there are some additional tips that gardeners can employ to ensure that they maintain a safe and nurturing environment throughout their gardens.

Due to the harsh, cold, conditions of winter debris inevitably accumulates in grass and on lawns. Since lawns require no more than  ½ an inch of buildup gardeners should rake away any excess debris from their grass or lawns. This also helps to control thatch on the lawn and offers an opportunity to look for matted areas. Raking will also allow the lawn a chance to breathe again.

Over time lawns can become compacted especially with a lot of traffic or excess debris so to help with this it is highly recommended that gardeners aerate lawns in order to avoid this. If you are not sure how to aerate your lawn you can always contact a professional landscaping service to come and assist with this.

Apart from some lawns having excess debris some can be found to have a lot of patches and bare areas. Overseeding is one method gardeners can utilize and refers to the applications of seeds to fill bare or patchy spaces in lawns . Although this alternative is generally recommended for the fall season it can be done in the spring if absolutely necessary.

If you have a sprinkler system the springtime would be the ideal time to inspect it for any damages and if any to perform repairs. However if all is well and no issues are detected this would also be the perfect time to have your system reactivated.

The spring is also a good time to apply some pre-emergent weed control to plants. This serves significantly control weeds in gardens as well as to act as a barrier against future weed seedlings. Gardeners should always keep in mind that this should be done before applying any organic fertilizers and to ensure effective weed control applications should be done on a continued basis in and through the summer.

Mulching is another effective system that gardeners ought to practice during spring as it offers several benefits to existing or emerging flowers, plants and trees in gardens. Placing mulch in flowerbeds and around plants and trees helps them retain moisture during the early spring months. It also helps to reduce the temperature of plant roots and insulates them in event of an unexpected freeze during the spring.

It is only natural that all gardeners, landscapers and farmers alike all want their gardens or crops to thrive and be protected so by utilizing a network of useful informative and effective tips available online or by hiring professional services those goals can ultimately be achieved.  Contact us for more information.

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