Frequently Asked Questions About Drip Irrigation Systems

“The Secret Of  Landscapes Isn’t Creation …It’s Maintenance.”-Michael Dolan

Micro- irrigation systems or drip irrigation as it’s more commonly referred, is basically a form of irrigation that supplies water toplant roots in a gradual manner. Extremely popular for its efficiency and its ability to promote water  conservation, drip irrigation systems consist of a network of supply veins which run beneath the topsoil throughout the specified area, to thoroughly and strategically deliver a constant supply of water to plants.

They’re probably plenty of gardeners out there who find drip irrigation systems work well for their gardens but might not necessarily know everything they should about irrigation systems.

Unfortunately, because of this they may run into a couple problems that they may not be able to solve, so this article aims to answer any questions relating to irrigation systems that may prove difficult to answer.

Understanding Drip Irrigation Systems – Frequently Asked Questions & Answers

Q: How do you know if irrigation drip lines are working?

Irrigation Systems

A: Since drip irrigation systems run beneath the topsoil it can be difficult to determine if it’s working. So, by simply observing the area after a few minutes of turning on the system to look for dampness in the soil around the line.

If your soil is mulched, just dig away a small portion of the mulch and soil with your hand and feel the soil to see if it’s moist or not.

Q: What’s the difference between a drip irrigation system and a ground sprinkler system?

A: Both systems function to deliver water to plants however a ground sprinkler system works by spraying a planted area above ground while a drip irrigation systems are located underneath the soil and deliver water directly to roots with a slow, consistent, drip.

Q: What type of garden is drip irrigation best suited for?

A: Drip irrigation systems are best suited for landscape beds with lots of plants and shrubs rather than lawns.

Q: How can a drip irrigation system benefit my garden?

A:  Drip irrigation can offer gardens quite a few benefits once installed correctly. For instance, they prevent overwatering of plants and allow plant roots to absorb more water over a longer period of time, however some of the more popular benefits include its ability to promote water conservation, especially in drought-stricken areas and they offer a way for gardeners to save time and money.

Q: What difference will having a drip irrigation system make on my water bill?

A: As you can tell from its name a drip irrigation system practically drips water and emits water at a slower rate than above ground sprinklers or garden hoses.

With various settings, drip emitters may apply water at 0.5 – 4 gallons per hour where a rotor style sprinkler can water between 1 – 6 gallons per minute.  See the difference yet?

You see, even though each landscape area differs in size drip irrigation systems can be set so that they have a slower application rate and higher efficiency. Based on this efficiency gardeners are able to reduce water usage by 50%. So, in other words, you’ll be cutting your water bill in half.

Q: Is a drip irrigation system difficult to install?

A: With easy to work with components, the process of installing a drip irrigation system is not difficult though there are certain guidelines you should follow. Basically, the process consists of weaving and arranging the tubing so that the supply of water is directed to the targeted areas.

Need Help With Drip Irrigation Systems?

If you don’t know how instal a drip irrigation system, don’t panic – help is just a call or click away.  Don’t exhaust yourself spending hours in the sun struggling with irrigation tubes or worse stand in your garden and not know what to to to install your drip irrigation system. We can help.

Contact us at DK Landscaping Inc., to come in and assist you with professional irrigation system installation. Not only is our team knowledgeable about each aspect of irrigation installation but they will ensure you are well on your way without having to break a sweat. Call us today at (707) 280-3632 to schedule a visit or you can visit our website to learn more.

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