DK Landscaping

A Closer Look at Irrigation Systems -Part 1

“Always Do Your Best. What You Plant Now You Will Harvest Later.” – OG Mandino


If you take a trip to your local garden center, in hopes of finding the right irrigation systems, you can become overwhelmed with what’s out there. Everything from automatic sprinklers to special hoses and spray nozzles can be found and if you don’t know what you’re looking for things are bound to get complicated. The good news is, it doesn’t have to be that way.

In scenarios such as this, the experts at DK Landscaping Inc. can help to simplify this entire process; We can come in and install a suitable and effective irrigation system so that watering is one less task you have to worry about.

As indicated in many historical records, irrigation has been around for centuries and dates all the way back to ancient times, however, over time, with advancing technology and more developed techniques, irrigation has become more of an applied science.

The Most Popular Irrigation Systems Being Used By Gardeners Today 


Trickle irrigation or low-drip irrigation as it is more commonly referred, simply speaks about the type of irrigation method which allows controlled amounts of water, to drip slowly to the roots of plants through narrow tubes equipped with emitters.

With this method, water is delivered directly to the base of the plant and is mainly designed to promote water conservation, especially for gardeners who reside in drought-stricken regions.

Oh, and there’s more; gardeners can also efficiently irrigate non-turf areas such as flower-beds, vegetable and perennial gardens, ground cover and hanging baskets using this method.

It’s clear to see why this is one of the most popular types of irrigation systems used as it really takes care of a lot of areas that need a consistent supply of water on a daily basis.

Here’s How You Can Benefit From Drip Irrigation


Over time the methods and techniques used throughout gardens have not only grown to be more practical but creative as well. Having said that what better way to describe this next irrigation system but as a practical and creative one.

A sprinkler irrigation system uses a method that applies water to plants and soil in a manner that mimics natural rainfall. With this method, water is pumped through a system of pipes and is distributed in the form of a spray into the air, through sprinklers that break up the water into small drops and uniformly fall to the ground.

Take A Look At The Benefits That Sprinkler Irrigation Offers

This type of irrigation system works well for people who have lawns, large gardens and practice farming. If you are thinking about having an irrigation system installed please don’t hesitate to contact us for more information.  Look out for part 2 on this topic.


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